
Will you angry? 10 points for honest answer. Thank you?

by Guest62919  |  earlier

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This guy and I love each other for 3 years. I moved to other states. We kept in touch as friend for a year because he wanted to be friends instead of moving on. However, he is now givng me some hints that he is moving on. I have been asking him for the truth. He cannot even tell me.

I am upset and heart broken. I have been loving and faithfull to him for three years, but he cannot even give me the truth and he just ignored me.

Thank you so much.




  1. I would think it is time to move on, he knows you are too far away.

  2. I won't be angry under the circumstances you mentioned. When you moved to another state, you and your boy friend broke up and agreed to remain as friends. From that very moment, he moved on with his life and you should have moved on with your life, too.

  3. He found someone new.  Long distant relationships NEVER work out.

  4. You need to move on with your life.  He's too much of a coward to be honest with you.  Long distance relationships are almost impossible to maintain.

  5. He has found a new one.

  6. He has found another, move on, it is hard to not find someone else when moving to another State, it is a human trait.

  7. Sorry your heart is broken, it will mend in me been there and done that (long distance relationships are hard to keep, even married ones..), he's moved on to someone else, it might be he just doesn't have the heart to tell you (he's been seeing someone else) or he just doesn't care (some guys are like that), so you need to move on with your life....... Good luck, time will heal your heart, someone is out there to mend it......

  8. Well, U know there are guys and there are guys. Statistically speaking, high percentage of guys don't frankly tell a girl that they want out of a relationship. They just give U the cold shoulder until U get the message.

    Don't you think it's time to move on too?

  9. Right now, it's time to let him go. There's an old saying: "If you love something, set it free. If it never returns, then it never really was yours. If it returns, then cherish it forever." Your paths may cross again in the future...make this parting an easy one so it will be easy for him to re-enter your life, if that's what fate wants.

  10. Why have you put this in the royalty section? Are you a princess ?

  11. Move on this guy is clearly not interested in you.  There are plenty more guys out there.  You just haven't met the right one yet.  You will meet him one day,  just have a little patience.

  12. You know in your heart that the time has come to end this relationship.

    Find someone who is near to you in distance AND affection, and make a new and happy life for yourself.

    Wish this guy good bye and good luck, and begin to make a happy life for yourself, free of the pain of doubt and distance.

    Best wishes :-)

  13. All of the above answers r correct.This guy has not been honest with U.It`s time to let it go and pursue better things in life.There`s plenty of fish out in the sea.It was not meant to be.Your happiness is out there just give it some time.

  14. You live in separate states now. It's time to move on for both of you.

    It sounds like you still have feelings for this person, but life goes on. People move away from each other, and you can only rarely maintain even the slightest of friendships (much less a romantic relationship) across that distance.

    I say stop torturing yourself and do your best to move on as well. Best to share an amicable (if possible) farewell and break off contact completely, lest romantic feelings bubble up to the surface again. Cold turkey is the way to go.

    It might not be what you want to hear, but this is the best long-term solution for you. You wanted honesty; here it is. Hope this helps.

  15. It is time to let go of this relationship, Honey.

    He's not worth your time.

  16. Your thinking is mixed up.  YOU moved away, he said you'd remain FRIENDS....that's not lovers dear, not a relationship pledging undying love and monogamy, right?  Your original agreement stands.  Be friends, give him distance.  Perhaps he wants more out of his life than some immature girl pestering about whether he's "giving hints" about "moving on". Grow up.  Get on with your own life.  Carry fond memories of what was and look forward to the future. Stop being a ditz.

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