
Will you answer my questions Billery Clinton?

by  |  earlier

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Why do facts point to you being involved with Vince Fosters Death? Also, corruption is a part of your past as shown in the White Water scandal, how will you ensure that your record with corruption does not continue? Does your experience and tested message really only refer to weathering scandal?




  1. Be careful asking this question.  You may get reported by the Hillary crowd.  They don't like to talk about these things.

  2. There is now a new one bill is involved in. And it deals with uranium and a 31 million dollar pay out.

    They are the most corrupt people in America and the libs love him. They are also the most secretive.

  3. yeah, people have a short memory at that.

  4. We have lived 7+ years with a corrput government who has lied to us, destroyed our world image, destroyed our economy, made the rich richer and ignored our constitution. We should now be used to it so why should we worry about Hillary getting in office. Just think, you will have insurance. If you do not buy it you will be fined and your wages garnished to pay for a policy of their choosing. Who wins here - the insurance companies. Hillary looks more like another Bush every day. Is there any question as to why she has not been able to get her health plan passed for the past 15 years? There is no Democratic or Republican support for it; they all agree (but her and Bill) that it is screwed up

  5. Why don't you try asking her???

  6. Get over it! If you don't like her, don't vote for her! It's that simple!

  7. Who is Billery Clinton? I googled the name but got nothing.

  8. Shame on you for spreading the truth.  Don't you know the truth will get you in trouble.

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