
Will you be investing in the corn ethanol business like Obama has?

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With government subsidies it looks like a sure fire winner to me. What is the word on the street from the insiders, I wonder.




  1. NO way! Food is for eating, not making fuel !!

  2. Well  corn based ethanol emits more carbon dioxide ( total production + consumption) and will shoot up price of food commodities and cause famine in lesser developed world . Biofulels based on corn depletes top soil too. So this not a good idea at all.

  3. It might be good to start growing corn.

  4. when will you learn? corn ethanol is bad for everyone. corn is for food not for fuel. were right now using 25% of all the corn grown hee in the US for ethanol and the congress wants to up that figure to 50%. bad idea. corn ethanol's energy output per acre is horrible. compared to cellulose ethanol which IS the answer.

  5. No, it's really not cost effective. It's just the gimmick of the moment.

  6. Yea

  7. It's all going to be reversed in a month or so, now that they've seen what is happening within the food industry. (prices have doubled in many food products, ever since the ethanol business took off)

    The best solution is this 150 mpg car I looked up on youtube. It uses battery power & can go 40 miles a day without recharging (you plug it into the electric socket at home.) It has a gas engine if you go over 40 miles, & gets 150 mpg, between the battery & gas......

    Since 80% of Americans only go 40 miles per day, it could be the best idea toward getting America free of foreign oil!

  8. Corn and Soy subsides have driven up the price of other foods. The problem is that farmers are making so much money on these items that they don't want to grow anything else.

    We are maxed out on these items already and it still amounts to about 3% of our fuel usage.

    Celousic ethanol does offer some relief as it is now just gearing into production. This is ethanol produced from any organic matter including saw grass ect. The process costs more but the feed stock is cheaper.

    Tarrifs on Brazilian ethanol is preventing the imports from there. The argument for these tarrifs were that Brazil would be destroying more rain forests if we buy their ethanol. Also American corn farmers didn;t want the competition.

    We simply don't have the capacity to produce enough ethanol to make a significant impact on our fuel needs. Possibly as celuosic ethanol gears up it will help some.

    However design modifications are required to existing automobiles to burn high ratio ethanol efficiently.

    Some facts: Ethanol has 78,000 BTU of thermal energy.

    Gasoline is 120,000. Diesel is 129,000 BTU/gal.

  9. i do not think it is the panacea for independence in the oil market. it has several side effects that would merit much thought.

  10. There is a funny thing about the ethanol plant down the highway from me, it takes a ton of water. If there is one thing we have less of in this area than oil, it's water.

    Ethanol is going to be a bust, corn growing states have been in a decade drought, we simply can't afford to waste our precious water for this useless and short-lived adventure.

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