
Will you be ok in a rip current if you have fins and a snorkel.?

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I am an okay swimmer but I've gone snorkelling a few times and can stay in the water for hours with fins and a snorkel. I have a strong kick with fins. I've only heard about rip currents on TV but should I be concerned even if I'm wearing fins and a snorkel or will I be alright?




  1. as long as you don't panic and keep your cool

    if all else fails,  float on your back

    thats what saved my life

  2. If I remember correctly, the best thing to do in a riptide is to swim parallel to the shore until you get away from the current.  Then you can swim back to shore.

    Here's an article about it:

  3. Even the BEST swimmers can be overwhelmed by a strong rip. You need to swim along the shore until you get out, but by the time you do you may be a quarter mile out!

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