
Will you be supporting King Charles and Queen Camilla of England when the time comes?

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Not Me - I'll be leaving the country in disgust.




  1. Nope from across the big pond I wil denounce the lousy cad forever

  2. I understand your question though you are not quite correct. According to the rules that govern Royalty it will be highly unlikely that Camilla will become Queen. She may be given a different title to the one she has now. There are many that can be chosen. On a personal note, I have found that Camilla has always conducted herself with the utmost dignity which is more than I can say for some of the rank and file of the UK population.

  3. I, as a royalist will certainly be supporting King Charles and Queen Camilla, we should not make any judgement  regarding His Highness's disastrous and ill judged first marriage

  4. If they are King and Queen only in England then I don't care as I am in Scotland!

  5. I think not.

    I will support King Charles but I find the idea of Queen Camilla something akin to verging on the ridiculous.

  6. Neither I'm no royalist !

  7. I have just watched Diana on T.V ...the interview where she said " There are 3 of us in thismarriage- I don't want a divorce, but we need closure, and I will wait and see what my husband will do"....WHAT HE DID EVENTUALLY LED TO HER DEATH!! She would not have been in a car with Dodi Fayed in Paris, if Charles wasn't s******g around with that old slapper Camilla.  She would still be alive if it weren't for the 2 of them, and Britain will never take to Queen Camilla...........and she knows it.

  8. I'm an American who wishes she was in England.  I have always supported Charles for king and his marriage to Camilla doesn't change that.  Kings have been cheaters throughout history.  Why should he lose his inheritance over it?  I'm glad they're happy.  I wish they had just been allowed to marry 30 years ago and none of this ugliness would have been necessary.  Besides which...Charles was a legitimate widower when he married Camilla.  So what's the problem at this point?

    As a note, I don't think Camilla is going to be called queen, as suggested by the fact that she is not the new princess of Wales, but merely the Duchess of Cornwall.

  9. ME too.

  10. I welcome her as much as diana. no time for either

  11. Since I live in the USA, it really doesn't affect me directly but here's my 2 cents anyway...

    To me, NEITHER of them deserve to be on the throne. I think that if Queen Elizabeth II abdicates, she should skip over that son of hers and give the crown to Prince William, her grandson...even if they have to change the rules in Parliament to do so.  

    Despite still being young, William strikes me as being very stable and poised and more suited to being the king than his father ever was.

    Camilla will always be Queen...Queen of the HOMEWRECKERS!!!

  12. Just answered a question along the same lines. Said I hoped the Queen had a longer life-span than her mum - because I do not want to see a Queen Camilla on the throne. Charles is determined to get the crown for him and is wife but I think it would be very wrong.  They got away with getting married against the Constitution (i.e. divorce in the heir to the throne) they shouldn't get away with this given that it was their adultery that caused Charles and Di's divorce. Think it's about time the C of E stepped in and done something. ER has always said she'll never abdicate and I don't think she will. I also don't think that she wants to see her eldest on the throne either. Personally I don't think he's fit to be King of anywhere.

  13. Good for you and us. One less piece of detritus on our streets.

  14. Long Live her majesty the Queen! No Camilla will never be Queen but I will support our next monarch whom ever that might be. United we stand divided we fall........please don't let that happen not to the dear old UK!

  15. If and when Charles takes the throne, Camilla won't be Queen, just as the Queen's husband is not King...

  16. Certainly I will support Charles and  Camilla as King and Queen of Australia.

    I am eagerly awaiting them downunder.

  17. No way - just the thought of those two being king & queen makes me cringe and fills me with dread! Let's hope that William and Kate are crowned instead - that would capture the british public's imagination and the "fairy tale" would be on again, also what a great lift there would be in the monachy's popularity!

  18. dont reckon he'll ever be king

  19. We will welcome you here, we welcome all nationalities here

  20. The king, yes, but not Camilla.  She does not deserve any support, to my way of thinking!

  21. The whole Monarchy is a waste of the tax payers time, and is nothing more then a regal side show.....Give me a break,  in the United States it would be called "welfare"..............

  22. they are all german anyway so whats all the fuss about?

  23. haha, I think we should form a "Migration Club". As soon as that wally has a crown on his head, I'm on the plane!! Why have a King or Queen anyway? They're only good for tourism.

    Ah but if it was Prince William being I'd get used to seeing HIS face on a stamp!

  24. I don't think he's actually going to use the name Charles when he becomes king because of associations with Charles the 1st who was beheaded, and Charles the 2nd who was well... all sorts of things really!

    Anyway. You don't chose your monarchy... usually... erm... OK perhaps that isn't strictly true. But anyway. If he becomes King and Camilla is Queen then, sure, I'll go for that.

    To all the people who are still weeping for Diana, get a grip! She was a self serving, manipulating, media-w***e who was into s******g around as much as Charles was. At least Charles only actually wanted 1 woman. Diana wanted whoever would actually look at her.

    Oh sorry - Camilla isn't as beautiful as Di was. She was a fairytale princess.

    Nah - Diana was a big-nosed, cow-eyed anorexic who most men wouldn't be bothered to throw bricks at.

    Really, the cult of Diana has to stop.

    In my opinion. Getting a bit carried away there...

  25. YES!!

    They have done nothing that most of us have not done in our lives. Nothing happened to Di that has not happened to other women, she was more promiscuous than most and Charles was not in love with her from the beginning. He was in love with Camilla but, because of the royalty factor, he had to marry Di, big mistake for the sake of tradition and protocol.

    Let people leave them alone and stop digging up the dirt on two innocent people. The `diggers` would not like it to happen to them, would they?

  26. Camilla will never become queen if charles takes the throne she will become 'princess consort' or something with a similar title.  the people of britain will never accept her as queen....especially after the whole back stabbing diana thing.

    remember the monarchy is here for the people...if the people dont support them..then they know they can always be abolished!!!

  27. if camilla became queen i am behind you o god the thought of her as queen sends shivers down my spine

  28. Byeeeeeeeee.....don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    England is more than its monarch and if you are so willing to walk away from it that quickly then please do wont be missed.

  29. Camilla will not be Queen - she doesn't have Royal blood.

    She is merely Charles wife - a member of the Royal family by marriage not birth.

    She will be given some other title that befits her status - but definitely not Queen

  30. What is it with this bend the knee fixation everyone has. I heard Big Ears gets miffed if people don't call him Sir. He's in for a fright if he meets me.

  31. what do we need to support those twats for?

    I certainly won't, and i bet there will be a lot who won't.

    The nearest i would get is using the king and queen in a deck of cards!!!  L . O. L   L . O . L

    HA   HA   HA   HA  HA  HA

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