
Will you be surprised if they find signs of life on Mars?

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spear..That link is really interesting..but too hard for me to understand. I hope the scientists on here will take a look at it and hopefully put it in lay terms for us. I'd really like to know what he's saying.




  1. I vote Paranermal's answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yep, there ain't nothing there. Remember, you heard it here first.

  3. No

  4. Depends on what you mean by "life." Proof that intelligent life once existed, as in animals, yes. Proof that simple life once existed, like bacteria, no.

    It would be awesome though. What do you think about that Mars rock with so-say proof found in the 90's?

  5. Its natural if we get such info then of course almost of us will surprise because so far we are the only human being living on the earth, despite a regular scientific research no fruitful response we get about the life at other universe otherwise we would have heard at the very beginning, see the man first stepped on the moon in 1969 and after that a regular attempts/ visits have been made but so far no authentic news about the lives or living thing. Collection of some sort of sample comes on the earth but scientist still in dilemma.

  6. no, i think mars may have been like earth a long time ago

  7. It would be kind of cool. Considering our proximity to mars and how many very large astroids and comets have hit earth in the past few billion years, it would not surprise me if some fossils were launched into space and landed on mars. But the chances of a lunar probe picking up that one chunk of rock are like winning the lottery. If they find more fossils that would be impressive.

    I remember the mars rock, which was questionable because it had been on earth for hundreds of millions of years, which means the life on it might have been from earth after it landed.

    No, I wouldn't be surprised to see a fossil or two turn up. A lot of them would be better. Now I would be surprised if they found a skeleton on mars. That would be really cool though, don't you think?

  8. The planet Earth is a microscopic spec in the entire universe. Why some people think we are so special, that there is no other life form in the entire universe but us, is mind boggling to me.  Doesn't make any sense.

    I will not be surprised one bit at all.

  9. No. For the reason that life on Mars may not be as what we imagine..evil aliens who speak in an electronically generated voice

    Life on mars cd mean that a few micro-organisms exist in a latent format..y shd anyone be surprised

  10. nope. they already kinda have.

  11. I think it's possible there may be some simple organic material discovered.

  12. You know there may be life there,but not how we think life exists.They may find something and not relies that it is a life form.They may bring a life form back to earth and it might die because it has been taken out of its natural environment.A lot of planets and creatures living and growing on other planets will not grow or live on earth.A different environment with different gases and temperature.Different minerals in the ground.Different sun light.

  13. i think there are so many secrets being hidden from us and have been doing lots of research to find credible sources to back it up.

    most recently, one of the secrets i uncovered is that there used to be life on mars, and that we know for sure of life on other planets. this knowledge and other tools unavailable to us are being used to keep those in power today in power forever.

    it's way too much for me to explain here but check out this video. about half way into it, it gets into the stuff about Mars.


    edit: here are links to other movies that are easier to understand and are packed with info that may be of interest to you:

    and esoteric agenda on google video at this link :

  14. No, I already know since high school that Mars has signs of life from my science lesson

  15. Based on what we know of Mars and our own Earth microbes, I wouldn't be real surprised that Mars had microbial life sometime in its past. I suppose I would be a little surprised if we were able to find solid evidence of it, though. But it's peculiar you're asking this in Parapsychology. It has nothing at all to do with parapsychology. Shouldn't this be asked in Astronomy & Space?

  16. Nope,since they found amino acids living on a meteor ahwile back,no I wouldnt be surprised.

  17. We already have!  Not only have we found a face on Mars, we've also found a butt on Mars on the opposite side (see photos in links). This can only be a form of communication by Martians to us humans.

  18. I will be surprised if a skeptic accepts it without it first proving to Randi that it is a form of life and not simply confirmation bias (only the scientist looking for life will be able to see it, to everyone else it will look like a rock).

    Of course many scientist will see it, study it, declare it real and display it to other scientist and the public.

    This will be dismissed as poor quality gullible scientist (some of which will win the Nobel prize) being fooled by cheap magician tricks. Everyone knows that Mars life form is just a trick played by skeptics by leaving that slug up on Mars for those foolish scientist to find.

    Surprised if found no, surprised if accepted, yes.

    Edit: Once again skeptics practice thumbs down censorship so opinions not their own can't be seen.


  19. I wouldn't because there's no life on Mars!

  20. No, of course not there has been life on Mars, much more than are there now. Here is a movie specially prepared from one of NASA's photos, they accidentally released this information a few weeks after the last two landers got there over four years ago. People researching the photographs found this and went public, NASA eats crow again!

    This was also used in a group remote viewing session you asked about, because I practice with more advanced people of differing psychic disciplines, most everybody got it correct. If you were to join a remote viewing group like I posted in the other answer you'd find out all about it.

    The moderators keep truncating and deleting my answers Deenie, so they can call them non-answers. I have no idea if you are getting them.

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