
Will you be there when I come?

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I’m Coming

Will you be there

Will you still want

Will you show trust

When I come to you

I may be wrong

I may be wounded

I may be weak

When I come to you

Can you love

Can you accept

Can you console

When I come to you

I ask these things

Because I know

One day

I will need you





  1. Your poem, but I would flip the coin,

    To me this sounds like a one way street.

  2. The poet is waiting to come to the person addressed until his needs become apparent. This is a question one may ask oneself, but in my opinion, it would not entice the other to wait.

    My immediate personal response to this poem would be something like "what about MY needs?" Or "why should I wait, he will not come until HE needs ME?"

    This is not to disparage the poem's form, but only the message as it affected me personally.

  3. "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?"

    The eternal question "why?" is hotly followed by "will you?"

    Unsurety and insecurity are Human traits. You are not alone.

  4. of course, you silly, what are friends for?

  5. See you are doing lots of thinking, and writing.

  6. The first paragragh

    first line has you wondering

    if the other person will be there

    2 and 3rd lines are about still wanting

    and the ability to show trust.

    When you come

    Next paragragh

    There is an admittance of being wrong

    and being hurt, leaving you feeling weak

    You are wondering if the

    other person can love

    would they be willing to accept

    and look past errors if any

    This is good to plan ahead

    to avoid getting hurt

  7. You need not ask....

    Those who will be there for you

    Will be there  

    because they are  willing.

    But when the time comes

    for you to come

    make sure you have  already been there

    even for just a while...

    Inside their heart.

  8. With a poem like this I would prefer to recite it to myself in the mirror.

    It makes you stronger when you learn to be fully independent, which includes emotional indepence.

    I just learned that recently. I`ve been betrayed, and abandoned enough. I got so sick of it, that I said, never again will I expect anyone to even hold me.

    I will hold myself.

    I will love

    I will trust

    I will console myself.

    I will not expect anything

    From anyone

    I must trust,

    I must love,


    Trust me, its not in vane.

    It`s in that shell & thin veil,

    Which you said yourself

    I have to protect myself.

    Again Hydropro you inspire me. This one is yours, since I borrowed your words.

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