
Will you be visiting one of Rex`s swanky cafe`s when he reaches celebrity status?

by  |  earlier

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You can see the whole load, He`ll throw a party for his HM`s at one of his thousands of cafes,plenty paparazzi to take the pics,front page of the tabloids the next day, job done free advertisement..Will you queueing to take a place at one of his wonderfull tables?




  1. Only to burn it down

  2. I think I would rather have every tooth extracted without anaesthetic!

    Can you imagine just how pretentious that would be?

    Nicole preening her feathers while Rex cooks her a bacon sandwich or sausage sandwich and mo eats the scraps off the floor!  Kat in her pink blamanche suit and Rachael clucking round everyone, while Mario and Lisa make out in their thriller outfits on the table and Darnell raps to the other guests!

    Would rather paint my lounge!


  3. Yes.  MyAlien - i am a fan too.

  4. yes!

  5. Definitely not .... and I won't be buying the tabloids either .... better things to spend me money on .......... like cider !!! ha ha

  6. No way...

    Give me a Greasy Spoon Cafe anyday....

  7. No i wouldn't! Think ive seen enough of him on the TV.

  8. Yes, I would queue .... but only to shout abuse on behalf of Rachel. I would tell him where he could shove his breadsticks. ;-)

  9. No definitely not.

  10. No

  11. no think he is trying to be a mini gordon ramsey, spend my money on a bag of chips instead wouldnt waste a lot of money on his place  

  12. Not from what I have heard about his father@s  caff's........bad food & service!

    Stick to Aled & Nathan's Brew restaurant in that is class!

  13. Yeah we talking about Rex being a celebrity, when he does something that's worthy rather than sitting in a house for weeks on end being a vile scrote

  14. NO!

  15. Why bother when there's Nobo, China white, Ivy..not that I've been.  Give me Kfc, Mc Donalds, Subway, Chippy, Kebab house over Rex's any time.  The thought of eating at Rex's makes me lose my apetite....and it's got a ridiculous name.

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