
Will you buy Gary Glitters new album when it s finished?

by  |  earlier

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  1. in a word NO!

  2. Sure. If he does a remake of "Sweet Child of Mine".

    Don't believe all you read. it is just glitter-pressing


  4. nope i wouldnt cross the road to p*** on him if he was on fire this idoit was a role model to young kids everywhere at one time and he totally and utterley devalued and misused that trust in these vile and despicable acts i dont know about making a new album he wants his balls amputating and sticking in a blender and then let him him rot in jail

  5. Even in my teens he gave me the creeps, made my skin crawl.  I never bought any of his stuff then and I certainly wouldn't now.

  6. Not in a million years ! he is an untalented pervert  and i cant believe that any record company should have any think to do with him. In fact any label that does should be boycotted so they get the message.

  7. i hope no one does, he is an evil sick pervert!

  8. No.

  9. Not in a million years.

  10. Deffinately not,i dont want my money fianancing that pervert,so he can go around the world sexually abusing children.Its immaterial that his music was always c**p.

  11. He can go and finish as many albums as he likes ~ no company will distribute it for him, it'll never get into the shops.

    We can rest assured his days of singing for a living are over, I cannot believe there remains a fan out there....

    but then again there are some sickos.

  12. i would burn the shop that sells it, but i would make sure the staff are out first and the customers after they've paid etc

  13. No way.

    Look, dude only had one (count em ONE) song that people remember, so I'm going on track record, or in this case lack thereof.  Oh, and he is a perv, too so strike two.

    But I'm not buying Don Imus' new album, nor Rev. Al Sharpton's either, simply because they are BOTH idiots.

  14. I'll put it with my R Kelly collection.

  15. No I f*cking wont.

    Disgusting abusing pervert.  

    Like all guys who go to Asia to get their jollies with underage and/or disadvantaged girls and boys - he ought to have been left to rot in a sh*t prison out there.

    Why do boys and girls sleep with guys for money?  Because they are poor, abused, or on drugs.  The people that use them are disgusting.

  16. No, I stopped liking his brand of simplistic rock'n'roll when I was about 12.

  17. Scotland Yard - they'll be checking the cd for hidden pictures

  18. no way !

  19. No! No! No!

    and neither should anyone else!!!

  20. No, mainly because I try and avoid the work of convicted paedophiles.

  21. Anyone who answers yes is only trying to fool you.

    This man should be roasting in h**l, not selling anything.

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