
Will you buy this, Tell me what you think?

by Guest32853  |  earlier

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Ok here is the deal.I designed this bugzapper.

It's a laser pen type but instead of chasing a fly around, you just aim and point and, )))))Zap((((( you fry the fly instantly. One problem, you can't "zapit" it inside you home if it is on the wall or furntiure because you risk damaging your walls or furniture with burn marks or stains.

You can zap them if their on the floors surfaces counters such as ceramic or if you are sitting on your front porch enjoying your first morning coffee. So, what do you think?

Would you buy one?

29.99 operates on recharable batteries, so when you are not using it, you simply clip it on to the charger to recharge. Unplugged it will last up to 24 hours.

For those of you who would think of burning your little brother or sister. It will not work.




  1. Yeah - i would!!! -- I hate chasing them and just about a centimetre before i get to them they fly off.

    Whens it going to come to the UK????

  2. LOL, i would so love that, however, my aim ain't so good so if you could add some kind of laser pointer or a aiming device it would be awesome. Also could u make a stronger one for getting rid of annoying pests? :)

  3. its a really good idea but i can see the flaws. if a child gets hold of it they fisk zapping animals or your house, and you would have to have pretty good aim to hit the fly. and you would have to wait for the fly to stop moving before you can shoot it so you might aswell wait with the newspaper. lol. and personally i dont see that many flies in the house in the UK, if i did i would probably spend a lot less money on one of those fly strips. also if you hit the fly with the laser you then have to go and find the fly and pick it up, if you dont you could end up with hundreds of 'zapped' flies laying around your house, and rtechargable batteries are a good idea but with the soaring price of electric i personally would rather something that did not need charging all night as it would cost me a fortune. i think its a very good idea and i think you done well making it but i would consider it more of a novelty item than anything. but im sure there are people who would buy it :)

    also just wondering how do you know that the zappy thing wont work on children/adults/other small animals etc should it fall into the wrong hands?

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