
Will you choose Corn Ethanol for your Car if it'll cost you less?

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What if you found out that is is dangerous? Will you still use it?

Like corn Ethanol, wouldn't be harder to be homemade?

Please answer honestly, it's a survay report.




  1. No.

    Not counting the disadvantages of corn for fuel. By all the food and animal feed corn growers selling to fuel producers, I would not be able to afford to eat corn. meat and poultry prices will rise because of the cost to feed them. I consider it as stupid as all the emission laws. All the auto makers have done is put air pumps on the engines to make the ppm #'s fit. The air pumps rob horse power, and do not reduce the parts of emissions they only pump billions of more parts of air to dilute the exhaust.

  2. I do not like corn ethanol; specifically I do not like the politics that its involved in. However, I am a college student and I will pay whatever the cheapest gas is and I think most people when it comes time to pay up feel the same.

  3. For me i think i go for the corn ethanol as our another source of fuel. Knowing that it is nature made we can guarantee that it is friendly and safe. Maybe it would not be that dangerous. This may help lessen the pollution that the planet has already have. However, the disadvantage that i see in using this resource is that owners who have the plantation of corn will take advantage of this situation and may have to demand the price they want.

  4. I think ethanol from corn is a very bad idea.  It is causing grain prices and food prices to rise already.  Brazil uses its sugar cane to make ethanol and that has worked well there, but the production of ethanol from corn uses much more nitrogen fertilizer and other resources to get the ethanol.  It isn't very efficient.  Using vegetable oil as diesel

    makes more sense, but still impacts food costs.

  5. Yes.

  6. If it cost less I would use it. No way it is more dangerous than gasoline. Gasoline is REALLY dangerous stuff. Poisonous, flammable, and explosive.

  7. Yes, if it costs less.

    Dangerous, no.  However, isn't regular gas dangerous - flammable!!!

  8. Depends on what you call "cost less". It is going to have to cost less per mile than less per gallon. A gallon of ethanol will not get a "modern" day car as far as a gallon of regular unleaded. Ethanol ain't dangerous, just don't drink too much you will go blind. It is not hard to make at home. Just don't let it get much over 200 degrees and you'll be fine, my grandfather made it for years.

  9. Ethanol is a complete joke.

    Ethanol takes more energy to make than it contains.

    Ethanol has 76,000 BTU

    It takes 98,000 BTU to just make the 76,000 BTU ethanol

    It also takes 1,700 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of ethanol.

    It also is subsides by the government of $1.38 a gallon

    Flex Fuel vehicles get about 30% less gas mileage because the lack of energy in ethanol

    Ethanol 76,000 BTU

    Gasoline 116,000 BTU

    NO CORN ETHANOL IS NOT BETTER FOR THE ENVIROMENT. It actually puts out more dangerous gases than they advertise.  Denver air quality has gone downhill big time since they starting using 10% ethanol.

    How can it every be good when it take more fossil fuel to make ethanol than the energy contained in it.

    It puts pesticides in herbacides in our drinking water and in our air.  It is so corrisive it can only be shipped by train or truck and not down our pipe lines.  I could go on for hours here.

  10. No, I would never choose corn ethanol.  Corn ethanol is very unenvironmentally-friendly.  It adds 22% more hydrocarbons to the atmosphere than burning gasoline does.  Not only that, it will increase the levels of formaldeyhyde and acetaldehyde in the atmosphere.  Growing corn takes a lot of pesticides/herbicides, and such.  Because of that, greater amounts of runoff nitrogen, phosphorus, and pesticides will pollute and acidify waterways.  This may make local water sources contaminated and unsafe to drink.  Also, the large doses of herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers cause the most erosion out of all types of crop.  What's worse is corn consumes just about as much fossil fuel as the ethanol itself replaces.  It also delivers 30% fewer miles than gasoline, and there are only about 1,000 service stations selling ethanol-blend fuels in Canada right now, which makes it very inconvenient to refill your tank.  Using food for fuel is not a good idea.  The better ethanol is cellulosic ethanol, which is ethanol created from agricultural residue, forestry waste, etc.  Too bad it's still under development.

  11. The most practicle fuel is water.  Forget about Ethanol.

    Water powered cars are supposed to be out in two years. They work by taking any water running electricity through it and burning the Hydrogen fuel it produces. Watch Utube for a demo.

    With this you can travel a hundred miles on 1 liter of water.

    Also checkout Air Powered Cars on Utube.

  12. ethanol is a good fuel, it runs much cleaner than gas( in spite of Bull stories) if cars were built to run  on ethanol they could last longer and get better mileage, with much higher compression ratio, Corn is a poor choice to make ethanol sugar beets and many other crops are far more efficient at making ethanol all Henry Fords cars ran on ethanol until 1919. ethanol is about 85% cleaner than gas to operate and less dangerous. I plan to convert my work truck to run on ethanol, at under $2 a gallon it save big bucks. my town is getting an ethanol co op station soon.

  13. No.  A lot of people have spent a lot of money drilling for oil, and refining it.  I want to patronize them.

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