
Will you commit to planting at least one tree this year?

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There are many things one can do to help environmental degradation but planting a tree has to be one of the better ones that many people over look. To see some of these benefits click on the link below.




  1. I will.

    Since moving into our home 12 years ago, we've planted 2 medium-sized trees, several small ones and a semi-dwarf fruit tree.  I've been converting mostly to native plant species and am pretty much planted out, BUT about 4 years ago the toyon died in one of my original planting areas, and the lemonadeberry went downhill but recovered, though it has never looked all that great since.

    I've been wrestling with myself what to do with this area, and just recently decided to find a small to medium tree that would work in this patch.  Due to sun patterns, it will be inclined to reach toward my neighbors yard.  But they are wonderful folks and she is okay with this, so it's a go.  

    Due to hot summer conditions, the project will have to wait until mid fall. I'm very excited, as the birds use this area as refuge before going to or when leaving my neighbors yard.  I know within a few years I will have a lovely tree giving shade and shelter, and anchoring what has been an under utilized spot.

    Sad part is, I won't have any more places left to plant another tree!!!

  2. No

  3. I would if the brazilian goverment would stop cutting them down ;)

  4. Can I commit to planting a bunch of vegetables instead so I can reduce my reliance on the industrial food production system? I really don't have the land area required to plant a tree.

    Unless I did some gorilla planting...

    now there's an idea...   :)

  5. Already have.

  6. yes!!!!!!!!! i love planting x)

  7. I agree with your sentiment and goal and I will make the same commitment. But since you posted this in global warming you should know that they've now established that trees are actually a source of global warming, thru the methane they emit. This offsets the CO2 they take from the air since methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas. This and many other things makes me suspect that their is really only one acceptable solution to the 'global warming' problem and that is to de-industrialize and return to pre-industrial technologies. From carbon sequestration, planting trees, seeding the ocean with iron oxide, the greens reject all solutions and instead demand we reduce CO2 emissions so dramatically we can only achieve it by gutting our industries. Which, after all, has been their long-term goal since the 1960s.

    To really solve the problem we would plant a lot more trees and then cut them down and use them, store them, do anything with them but burn them. Then the CO2 stays locked up and we plant new trees which absorb far more CO2 during their growth years. Mature trees are CO2 neutral, emitting as much as they absorb. But this is unlikely, the argument being only naturally grown trees are good, that they require too much water, basically any argument to keep us from solving a problem that may not even exist.

  8. I will, and i do planting trees every year in rainning session and i am thinking and idia who planting the tree is only person have rights to give permission to cut that in feture if he planting tree in public place.

  9. I would if I had a place to put it. Unfortunately, I no longer have a yard to play in.

  10. Nope. I/m gonna cut down some tho.

  11. I think its important to plant trees because of the deforstation and everything... so i will plant at least one tree!

  12. I will plant so many plants this year.

    Last year I planted as much as I could but it wasnt a lot.

  13. far more than that,

    and it is hardly a commitment

    probably closer to a habit

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