
Will you email your Representative DAILY?

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I have been emailing my senators and Congressman as well as the leaders of the house and senate everyday with this message...

"Dear ______,

So did you start the IMPEACHMENT process today for Bush and Cheney? If not WHY NOT? Get your butt in gear...time is wasting and the Republic is in grave danger from enemies within!

Are you one of the enemies of the people or will you stand up for US? There is NO OTHER ISSUE you should even be thinking about right now. IMPEACHMENT FIRST or all your other "work" will be a total waste of time.

WARNING: If you don't get on this issue RIGHT NOW you can FORGET your career in politics...PERIOD! If you do not move forward with IMPEACHMENT NOW "we the people" will know you are nothing more than a bought and paid for corporate criminal and YOU may face a lawsuit.


Will you grow some hair and join me in this email campaign?

You can find your rep here...

and your senator here...




  1. I agree bush is dragging the country down but it would be a complete waste of time and money,  The process would take longer than he still has in office and it would be a complete stale-mate.


    This is all liberal propaganda and we need to figure out who can unify this country instead divide like both parts have done.

    We Need Help and it doesn't appear that anyone running is really looking out for the nations best interest they are all quoting party rederich.

  2. sorry, this law abiding citizen thinks you need to break a law first.  I know you think your little letter is tough, but I can assure you they are getting quite a laugh off of your naivety and how easy it was to fool you.  LOL...

  3. why waste your time

  4. I recently had the rare priviledge of having mine knock at my front door.  He left knowing that my opinion of him was extremely low.  He got the same treatment from my neighbor.

  5. I am tired of saying this but here it goes again: Although I dislike Bush and some of his choices, there is no way to really impeach him because he has done nothing wrong. And besides do you think your senator or rep is going to even look at those e-mails? They probably go into a spam folder on their e-mail program.

  6. If you just started your email campaign, then it will take some time for you to receive any response. I email my representative all the time. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to get a reply, and that is by a standard form letter. Occasionaly one of the responses seems a bit more individual, but not too often.

    Do your representatives read the emails? I do not think they read them all. They have hired hands to do that. They may see a few select letters that the staff have deemed worthy. Since the tone of your letter is threatening, it loses it's civil discourse appeal. There is a much greater chance that the email is trashed.

    Finally, it does no good to email representatives that are not in your voting district. A New York Senator will not care a wits end about a letter from someone in Delaware. So if you are out of their district, you will most likely not get any type of response.

    I must applaud you on your desire though to communicate with our representatives in congress. Not many people do. I will say though, that I disagree with your content. But you have the right to say what you wrote, and for that, you are a good citizen.

  7. Just suppose for a minute that they would file impeachment papers and Bush would decide to resign rather than face them.   Would that satisfy the Dem's??? Of course not,

    And they';d be stuck  having to do their jobs and solve our problems. That ought to be a laugh.

  8. WHY?????  It does no good.  It gets read by some flunkie intern who then sends you a canned response muttering about how they've taken your concerns and will keep them in mind.  Why do you think they have the drop down menu for the topic????  They have categories of pre-made letters.  You send one off in the same category a couple of days later and see if the response isn't verbatim with the one you got in the previous one.

  9. Yes I sure will...Everyone keeps saying that Bush has done nothing wrong...hmmm  where do you begin? And wat is sooooooo different from Bin Laden attacking our country, killing our civilians than Bush attacking Iraq and killing their civilians? I think people forget that these are CIVILIANS who haven't felt relaxed in years...imagine 9/11 but being occupied by our attackers FOR YEARS...doesn't feel good does it?...Every life lost in Iraq was a terrorist attack set in motion by Bush...why isn't there a reward for the capture  of the terrorist sitting in D.C.--Bush?

  10. No. My Senators and even my Republican congressman are liberal wienies who don't care to hear my views. They just do what they want like most polititions. All I can do is vote against them in the next election.

  11. No. And before you judge so harshly, do you think you could hold that office and NOT p**s off at least half the country??? Good luck with that!!!

  12. Stamped.


  13. No. I won't. They know there were no laws broken. I realize you hate Bush, but that is not grounds for impeachment.

    If they could have, they would have.

    But if it makes you feel better, go for it...

    But I did when the 39 Dem senators tried to pass the dumb immigration Bill with Bush.

  14. I email mine daily, but with real concerns like when are you going to enact a flat tax?  When are you going to enforce the second amendment, you know stuff that really matters....

  15. No because I dont believe he did anything that is grounds for impeachment.

  16. They have probably put you on their "fruit cake" list.  BTW, did Cindy Sheehan put you up to it?

  17. No, I think the impeachment movement is filled with people who have no faith in their ability to discuss things rationally.  I do not want to feed their addiction.  I will not support Impeachment, and I would respectfully tell my representative so, rather than resort to threats.  I think you need to calm down.

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