
Will you ever fly Qantas again?

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Well here on 7 News in Brisbane last night, they revield that Qantas have such bad maintenance issues that if they were released in detail, customers may fly on other airlines.

So.....I will be reluctant to fly Qantas now, I will never fly Jetstar again.....Virgin is my first choice now.

How are your feelings on this if you saw the story??




  1. I've flown Qantas before and had no trouble. The majourity of times nothing happens but you just have to be careful and flying has actaully been proven safer than driving or ANY other form of transport and pluss now that it has all came out about Qantas they are going to better their maintanance so it's up to standard, that's what all companies do when their product is found to be we don't have too much to worry about.

  2. This is old news.... Read the many safety issues of Qantas at QantasSucksWorld  they have recorded 7 major emergencies just in the last 6 months...  The media is finally reacting to it

  3. Although Qantas  has been in the news quite a bit the past few months regarding 'bad' maintenance issues and a few 'close calls', they have now realised sending their work overseas to be fixed by 'cheap Asian' workers have not worked out for the company.  They are bringing the maintenance back to Australia and creating new jobs.

    My man is currently doing an apprenticeship in Aircraft maintenance and Qantas has been 'cold calling' every 3 months to poach workers to move to the larger cities for this purpose.

    I would rather fly Qantas still over any Asian airlines, after all they still have an excellent record (of no crashes).

  4. I did not see the story but I fly Virginblue.  They have modern planes and every time I have flown with them we have left on time every time. and virgin are cheaper.

  5. I would never fly Jetstar in the first place, I like the security of knowing I will actually get home.

    Qantas have many many flights each day, internationally and domestic. This is a case of the needle in the haystack where the media like to point out the needle. Qantas have a very successful record and stringent policies and procedures.

    Virgin is a good discounted service if you wish to fly between the capitals but doesnt do much regionally.

    Personally I fly with Qantaslink from Wollongong to Melbourne and with Virginblue from Sydney to Queensland and Qantas elsewhere.

    I do not fly with Qantas internationally, I do not find their service to be exceptional but excepted and they are definitly not cheap for international. Internationally I look into Emirates or the local airline of where I am flying to, i.e. Air Newzealand, Hawaiian Airlines, etc..

    Don't let the recent news headlines effect your choice, Qantas is still as safe as it ever was and will continue to be.

  6. i always fly Qantas, they have one of the best safety records in the world

  7. Qantas have been around for a really long time, unlike Jetstar and Virgin, so they need to keep up their good reputation. I think these maintainance issues have come at a good time for Qantas considering the whole fiasco Jetstar has been putting their customers through.

    I will definately travel with Qantas

  8. god, your lame. seriously.

    you are probably loaded if you can even afford to decide which company to fly with.

    "woo im flying with this one today!"

    "woo im flying with that one tomorrow!"

    I choose the cheapest one of them all: the brilliant JETSTAR.

  9. I would definitely fly with them now. They'll be fixing everything in order to fix their reputation.

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