
Will you experienceany G Force when the passenger plane are taking off?

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How many G force will you feel?

Is fighter jet pilot experience 18 G?




  1. Commercial passenger airliners normally take off without exposing the occupants to any degree of Gs which may be a cause for discomfort. Average Gs on a normal (not steep) take off would be between 2 - 2.5.

    Experiencing 18 Gs is a very tall claim. Normally, with anti-g suits, the fighter pilots pull 6-7 Gs, and in extreme cases can momentarily pull upto 9+, if the aircraft permits.

  2. Yes but not enough for you to largely feel the gs

  3. you will probably feel on 1 or 2 gs, i fly all the time and it doesn't seem like there are alot of gs

  4. You do experience G force. You experience G force all the time.

    But strictly speaking about a commercial aircraft taking off, the G force you feel is negligeable. Less than 2 vertical Gs and less than 2 Gs of acceleration.

    Fighter jet pilots usually experience up to 9 Gs in maneuvers. Pilots do not intentionally pull more than that because most aircraft are not designed to take more than that and present technology G suits are marvels but they still have a long way to go to be effective at high Gs for any amount of time. (don't blame the G suits, blame human limitations)

    There have been instances where a pilot (of an airplane, rocketcraft, race car) has sustained an incredible amount of Gs and lived. Those are usually accidental, unintentional, and instantaneous. ie: not a sustained G pull like what a fighter pilot would do.

    You can learn more about Gs and G survival facts and figures here: and

  5. 18 G would cause the pilot to black out.  Could even kill him/her.  9 G would be a high G to pull.

  6. Any time you accelerate in any direction, you experience G forces, even in a car or on a bicycle.  You experience these forces on an airliner, too, but they are quite gentle.  They are most obvious during take-off, when you will feel positive G forces as you climb off the runway and into the sky, and in turns, when you will feel a similar force pushing you down into your seat in the turn (although it is often very gentle and not that noticeable).

    Airliners don't make the kind of drastic movements that cause you to feel many Gs.  It's always less than one extra G of force.  Very severe turbulence may produce a full extra G for a few seconds at a time.  In general, roller-coasters produce a lot more G forces than airliners.

    As for fighter pilots, 18 Gs is more than the vast majority of pilots can tolerate (before losing consciousness).  Most aircraft are designed to handle a couple of Gs, not more.  That's still way more than airliner pilots experience, though.

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