
Will you forgive your husband when he cheat behind your back for 7yrs?? ?

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The reason being emotionally unbalance when the wife cheated once prior to marriage. The wife still loves the husband, and willing to 4give him. Is it advisable to stay together still, and how to get rid the 3rd party, since the 3rd party stills want to hang around.




  1. Would you jump over the moon with nothing on?



  3. No, personally, I couldnt forgive my husband for something like that. That's the crulest thing you can do to somebody!

    It the 3rd party isnt willing to go away then the wife should.

    The wife should leave the husband and find someone else to love and respect her.  

  4. I cheated on my husband before we got married. He forgave me and we moved on. But if I were to do the same thing again, I doubt he will forgive that easily because marriage is sacred. Please tell the wife to seriously consider her decision. Remind her that her decision will not only affect just the two of them but also the rest of the family especially if there are kids involved.

    As for the third party, just remind her of karma. She might do this to someone's husband now but someone else might do the same to hers in the future.

  5. It really depends on the situation. Do you have children w him? I may give in for my children sake if he is seeking forgiveness and promising to change.

    But with the existence of a 3rd party, I may not want to be with him anymore. There are many more good opportunities for you out there. Life goes on, why should you stuck with this unfaithful man.

  6. i personally wouldnt, just because that once the trust in the relationship is broken its really REALLY hard to gain it back. its kinda like a broken cup, no matter how many times you put the pieces together , it'll never be the same cup that you had before. good luck to  you and ur spouse. and as of the thrid party, dont contact the person and kinda pretend that the person fell off the face of the earth. if you really love your spouse then you have to be willing to agree to their terms , regardless to if its ridiculous. you kinda put yourself in that situation, so really dont blame anyone else but yourself. and if you cant agree to the terms , then i suggest that you both separate. good luck again,  

  7. You have two choices:

    1. Stay in your marriage while he continues to cheat.


    2. Get out of your marriage.

    Forest Gump once said: Life is like a box of chocolates and you have choices to make.  Sometimes they are not nice, but you have to choose.

    Good luck

  8. Oh for goodness sake! Get some self respect!

  9. oh lady i would be on FIRE!!! that "other" wouldn't be having a functional car. and probably would have a house.

    the man is going to wish he was dead if it were me. do not EVER let yourself stay with a man like that. you deserve way better

  10. If you want to work on the marriage - you have to make a rule to be monogamous.

    If your husband keeps giving in to the 3rd party, the cheating is not going to go away.

    The only way to get rid of the 3rd party, is if your husband tells her to go.

  11. google relationship tips

    and learn how to get what you both want.

  12. no absolutely not. the wife as you said cheated prior to the marriage. do you mean when they were together or before they met? having a fling is one thing but having an affair for 7yrs is too long and there´s emotional commitment involved

  13. No. Once a guy cheats on me it's over. The trust is broken and it's never the same again.

    It's like a broken vase. You could superglue the pieces back together'll never be the same as it once was.  

  14. NO WAY!!!

  15. it depends

    does he love you?  does he respect you? can he admit he was wrong? does he like the 3rd party still being around?

    my husband and i are having probs - i caught him cheating - i am kind of in the same boat

    i have a friend who gives me counsel and she and her husband have been married 48 years - he cheated for 5 years w/the same woman - he got caught and they worked it out - it took a lot - it took her a long time to trust and forgive - and if he had anything to do over - it would be to not have the affair - because it hurt her so

    so not only does it depend on you, it depends on him - if he still loves you - go from there

    before i was married and had a baby - i would have said what the first poster did - in fact i advised my best friend to do the same -

    the friend that i talk with about this situation belongs to the Church (Church of Christ) and both she and her husband are active in the church - they both say, without God - it is not possible to work through it

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