
Will you forgive yourself if you do not vote for Ron Paul in the primaries?

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Will you forgive yourself if you do not vote for Ron Paul in the primaries?




  1. I'll be there. I just re-registered as a Republican for that very purpose, and it will be hard to keep me away.

  2. Being that I won't, I guess I'll have to.

  3. You can be sure that I will not feel the least bit of remorse for not voting for him, so I won't feel any need to forgive myself!

  4. Actually, I will give myself a big pat on the back.

  5. Yes and thank every one else who does not vote to put him in

  6. There's nothing to forgive.

  7. Nothing to forgive.  I disagree with too many of his policies and will never vote for a politician who wants to betray everything I did in Iraq.

  8. I won't feel bad for a nano second when I don't vote for Ron Paul.

  9. YES i never planned on voting for him

  10. Ron Paul has been proven to be a liar, a thief, and quite possibly a racist. I won't miss him a bit.

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