
Will you give me some tips on conserving gas?

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I'm not 'car-saavy', lol. The only thing I know that conserves gas in my car is to not run the AC... And the only time I actually do run the AC is when my son is in the car with me, because I don't want him to get too hot.

Is there anything else I can do to conserve gas in my car? I live 40 minutes away from my job, so it's not like I can walk to work or anything.





  1. don't over accelerate and use your cruise control  when u can.

  2. Ha! My job is also 40 minutes from my home. What a coincidence. Anyway, the first answerer gave a lot of tips. However, I've heard that running the A/C has no effect on your gas whatsoever. The best thing to do is just to make sure your vehicle is well maintained. Also, don't haul anything too heavy in the trunk and keep your tires aired properly.

  3. There are few thing you can do to save (or maximize) gas MPG. First get a tune-up.

    (1) spark plugs

    (2) spark plug wires

    (3) distributors, coil, rotors (if you have them).

    (4) new air filter

    (5) PCV

    (6) correct tire pressure

    (7) clear the trunk of useless heavy items

    (8) spray clean MAF sensor.




    Forget all those "SAVE GAS" scams.  This was on NBC morning TV show.   The difference is as much as 38% (their claim).  There are very simple rules to save gas:

    (1) drive slow - not too much past 55

    (2) accelerate slowly

    (3) don't brake unnecessarily

    (4) use cruise control - whenever it is safe to do so.

    Don't coast - it is NOT safe (to coast in Nuetral) and it does NOT save gas.  It only saves gas, if you are planning to slow down (exiting, tolls, traffic).  Coasting then accelerating again is LESS efficient than just cruising.

    The above really works. Using those simple rules I was able to drive from Boston to NYC (210.5 miles) on just 5.112 gallon (94 Civic).  That's 41 MPG (94 Civic 187K miles).  Actually I was speeding at 72 MPH so I could do even better at 55.

    WOW !!

    Good Luck...

  4. Lover is right, the only comment I would add is that if you are going above 30 mph, the use of the A/C is cheaper than the higher gas used because of the extra drag caused by the open windows.

  5. After working on vehicles most of my life I have found that having the engine properly tuned, and maintained is the best way to get good fuel economy, it has also been found that running the A/C vs. rolling down the windows saves no gas on interstate travel,

    and that over inflating your car tires by 5 pounds would save more, than rolling down your windows. Along with decrease your speed, and no jack rabbit starts. if you want to save the most fuel buy a motorcycle, mine gets 55 mpg. but as with the problems of fuel economy, you will sacrifice one thing for another, over inflating your tires is not recommended, it will wear tires faster, but so will under inflation, and when was the last time you checked your air tire pressure, or turn signals, brake lights, headlights, oil, wipers,ect..(manufacturer recommended every time before you drive)

  6. Less RPM - less fuel consumption. Best tip

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