
Will you go see Disaster Movie?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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My friend Dave went to go see it opening night.

The next day we found him like this:




  1. ew @ the image. and no I won't go see it.

  2. No i would not... to me, films that spoof others films like scary move, epic movie, are lame... except for the first few scary movie...  

  3. What was the point of this?

  4. no its g*y  

  5. No.

    And I am offended that you asked.

    I saw the trailer. And the next day my friends found me like this

  6. haha fool you didn't get me, I saw the link "ring" and immediately knew! HAHA! I defeat you Yahoo! user!

  7. whats disaster movie?

  8. Probably, I love those cheesy movies for some reason, and I want to see how badly Kim Kardashian acts. :D

  9. rofl poor dave

  10. okay...thats disgusting! no, i will probably wait fot it to come on hbo, starz or something like that.

  11. haha no it looks horrible just like another stupid parody movie.

  12. h**l no

  13. Yeah.... NO. I will NOT go see this movie.. it sounds ridiculous. ):

    Juno was an EXCELLENT movie, and I think they have no right to make fun of it when they know they could NEVER pull of the sensitivity and beautiful screen play.

  14. Yes, most likely though I know It'll be stupid.

  15. No those movies are awful.

  16. i will never see it. what a waste of money. they made too many movies like that

  17. no

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