
Will you go to the beach with me?

by Guest64011  |  earlier

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I love to go when the waves are high,,,,but I have nobody to go with. my kids are off to college.I want to go body surfing,and they say I should not go alone. Please, Please say yes. It is so much fun.




  1. Sure. If I say it's safe to surf, it's safe to surf !!!!

    Charlie don't surf !!!!!

  2. Sure, that sounds like fun!  I love to surf and swim.  There's nothing like a good day at the beach.

    Can I hold you in the ocean like Tom Selleck held that lady in the intro to his show, Magnum P.I.?  ^LOL^

  3. I would love to go,,,,maybe I will get to practice life saving,just for FUN....I was a beach Gard for 8 years in fl. I miss the water. sailing , fishing , the sun as it comes up on the water is ......word can't come close. Have a good day....I'm wish hard to see the dream

  4. go with your hubby ;)

  5. sure but i am in austraila and i live on shelly beach... the water is still pretty cold here till at least dec. the brave surfers ware body suits to keep warm.....

  6. Well, I don't know.  I've never seen a donut shop down at the beach

  7. yes ,but im not a swimmer !!!

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