
Will you hate this kind of GiRL?

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She's 25 years old married with my brother with one kid, and shes an UNDERGRADUATE. she used to stay at our house and brag about her parents' riches. she doesn't know how to mingle with people. she sent me text messages about how she hates NURSES. she said Nurses are dirty and cheap. i AM a nurse and her husband is a student nurse. i was sooo offended. i think she;s a loser. hahaha.




  1. Honestly, even if you don't like her, you should just try to tolerate her. Because, Your brother is married to her, You can dislike her, but you need to respect her because she is your brothers wife, if things like that bother you though, you need to let it be known, just not in a mean aggressive way, You don't want to risk loosing your brother because of his wife.

  2. She sounds like she'd get on my Nerves ! yh

  3. Yeah I'd definitely hate her.

  4. I f I knew her, I would probably agree :)

  5. Yea, she's a loser... and you're the one complaining about her on the internet, soooo.. what does that make you?

  6. lol she is living a dream

  7. Sounds like she has a problem with eveyone except herself. Maybe she just needs a friend.I don't think I would hate her, I would feel sorry for her.

  8. Issues!

  9. sounds like you live in a country where people are vocal about their class in society.  interesting. kinda

  10. wait until she has an accident and then she will need the care of a nurse, she wont speak like that about nurses anymore.

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