
Will you help me choose?

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Here are my considerations to submit. Which are your favorites?;_ylt=ApFLIMWWKWFPyaYFdGLTHjLty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623144921AALOM3a;_ylt=AiYW1dP2IHTcAPy3osMfGHnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080510050615AAb0l0U;_ylt=ArLYNNLM9P75beFjt3Z6EOjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080502064742AAmgEHe

and of course the beloved pea series:;_ylt=AvXOhZRp1xymuH920kf81rzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080609130746AAxHzkZ

Your opinions are valued and greatly appreciated.

Thank you!




  1. Or, you can let the editor choose.

  2. Elaine, Elysabeth and I will be going back over everything. I think there's a few way back there that I really like.

  3. If you are submitting to "Oh, What A Tangled Web, 2009", then you can submit them all and they will choose which to keep.  These are all very good poems.  I say submit them all.

  4. I pick "My 'Flowers' were violated, is it better now?"

  5. My favorites would most likely be Promise or Tranquility. Now that I think about it, I like Tranquility best.

    In the first poem you had some problems with the quotation marks. For example: "Well hello there, she coos/What'cha doing back there?" and "I'm the one, he quivers and whispers/who's been eating all of your peas!" That means that the woman said "she coos" and the rabbit said "he quivers and whispers". They should be "Well hello there," she coos, "What'cha doing back there?" Same for the other one. You also have the word "there" two times at the end of a line. You may want to change that.

    For Tranquility: in some places you rhyme, some you don't. I would suggest having a smooth rhyming pattern. You should rhyme somewhere especially between "Beach chairs abandoned" and "on charcoal scented air"-- that part is totally rhyme-less.

    Otherwise, perfect! Love your work!

  6. I have to agree with Sptfyr and Elaine, they are all wonderful, and we have a great editor on Mars. However, the pea series and the first link (I forget the title now), would have to be my favorites. That and Scottie and Lottie, of course, but you're going to make those a children's book, right. ...right? ....riiiiight.

  7. My favorites are the bunnies and of course - the peas.  If I had to choose only one - it would be the PEAS hands down.  Never before experienced such mastery with a vegetable ♥

  8. omg Reenie i was crying before i even finished half way with the first pea poem...still crying...not afraid of that..and read them all..and again..again

    they are soooo good.

    every word i immediately knew and felt.

    those peas you have are magic..yes.

    like i said i was vined in the first two line tendrils .

    they are a treasure from you..

    thank you so very much.

    these poems are a masterpiece,

    and even taste good. lol..cant say enough.

    (when i type i can stop crying)

    ya im new. but everyday, i see you all have something special.

    thank you.

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