
Will you help me save the Florida Panther?

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There are fewer than 100 Florida panthers left in the wild, and many of them live in Big Cypress National Preserve. Yet the National Park Service is now considering opening up a part of Big Cypress to off-road vehicles (ORVs)! Excessive ORV use has already destroyed large sections of Big Cypress's sensitive wetlands. Opening more of Big Cypress to ORV use would put undue stress on the Florida panthers and other endangered wildlife that already struggle for survival there.

You can help play an important role in ensuring that the National Park Service protects the home of some of the world's last remaining Florida panthers. Please sign the petition, following the link below (or copy/paste it in the address bar), and tell the National Park Service that Big Cypress National Preserve -- and the Florida panthers and other endangered wildlife that live there -- need to be protected from damaging off-road vehicle use. It is quite easy to sign this petition, so won't you give it a try?




  1. I'll sign it :D

  2. Write to your Congress person and Governor Bush and let them know the whole world is watching them do nothing about it at all.

  3. i signed it and i let them know  that when my 6 yr old daughter gets to be an adult all the animals will be in museums and also that its not right that they kill the animals for sport and for fun and why arnt we killing off humans we are the dangerous predator of all but yet we enjoy killing off wild animals  i even signed the petition to stop the killing of the gray wolfs what else will we be killing? hope i helped your cause i even put my name on it kam bueno

  4. Also write your congressional rep/senator for Florida as well as Gov Crist.  And check with conservation agencies such as "The Nature Conservancy" to see what they have going for it as they are quite powerful lobbiests.  It's a beautiful animal!  Will do!

  5. I just signed it

  6. My comment in the petition.

    Please protect the Florida Panther. I am a recreational off-roader and am willing to not use these lands to help the panthers. Most offroaders feel the same and don't want to mess around in areas that will destroy habitat. It gives the sport a bad name.

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