
Will you help me with my guinea pig?

by Guest66960  |  earlier

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I have had my guinea pig for about a year now and it has not calmed down. He flips his bed over and his food. And the he flips out all the wood chips!!!




  1. lol thats like my guinea pig!!!! you need to get a bigger cage for him so can run around and not push over things!!!1

  2. Guinea pigs are very energetic and entertaining animals, despite what most people think about them being lazy and boring! A one year old is still very young and should have a lot of energy, that is very normal. My one year old guinea pig enjoys flipping over his Igloos, much to the disapproval of his cagemate who doesn't have a place to sleep when he flips them!

    The bed you cannot do anything about, but he shouldn't be able to flip over his food. Is it in a plastic dish? It's recommended that you purchase a ceramic dish for guinea pigs because they are notorious for flipping the lighter weight plastic ones.

    Have you considered using fleece and towels as a bedding? In the long run it's much cheaper, it's more comfortable, looks nicer, and won't make a mess when he runs around! We've been using it for over a year and it works wonders! Just put down two layers of towels and a layer of polyester fleece on top, and throw them in the wash once a week. Easy as that!

  3. buy him a pen (cage) for outside and let him run in the grass ,but make sure theres no pestisides on it and wacth him closely

    good luck

  4. my current piggy is like that. she's such a spazz haha. anyways i dont think theres much you can do. just make sure she's got lots of space to run. if you have to, you can probably get a leash for him and take him outside.

  5. You just have a really excited, active guinea pig that's all.

    You need to give him heaps of attention and take him out for a run about to wear out his energy.

    To stop him pushing over his food and stuff, buy some cable ties and strap the bowl onto the side of the cage. Alternatively, you could but a heavier ceramic bowl which are expensive but harder for your piggie to push over.

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