
Will you help stop the wolves from being hunted?

by Guest67069  |  earlier

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Soon, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a proposal to strip wolves of crucial Endangered Species Act protections and kill up to 75% of the wolves (including pups!).

This proposal allows the use of aerial gunning and other lethal control methods to kill 75% of the wolves!

Help stop those mentally corrupt people from hunting wolves.

To help go to:

And sign those petitions!




  1. No.  Wolves are a menace.  Useless predators along with Coyotes.

  2. Deep thoughts. What about the deer and moose populations that will decline because of an increase of predators? Are bambi and bullwinkle less important? Try a little more science and a lot less emotion.

  3. Question to ask er. Do you live any where near or own any livestock, land or have anything to do with this issue other than watching a TV report? Everyone has there passions in life and I understand yours. However there is another side to this story which would be those directly living and owning where these creatures live.

    Put yourself in a ranchers shoes. How would you feel if a Pack of wolves started taking Down Your lively hood Meaning your cattle. At todays prices somewhere in the neighborhood of a $ 1,000 per head you might have a far different feeling.

    Not saying your wrong but this as well as many of today's issues do have more than the 1 side...

  4. Move to Montana and live with them, or better yet we'll capture them and stick them in your backyard.

  5. OMG! That is reallly mean i am going to sign that petition right now! OK, I did it! Thanks for informing us on this terrible crisis!

  6. wolves are beautiful necessary animals, learn to live with it if you want to build a house in their environment or move.

  7. where do i go to get on the list to shoot them?

    having some wolves are good. too many are a danger.

  8. Can you provide us with a reference as to this planned killing of 75% of the wolves?  The link you provided is not a valid reference.  Please cite the actual USFWS notice that discusses killing up to 75% of the wolf population.

  9. You have my support

  10. ^Thank you so much I signed the petitions, I had no idea, they will  no longer be protected.  

    This is a outrage, I don't understand, are these people insane, wolves are a must for our environment they are also beautiful and so misunderstood, our world wouldn't be the same without them or any of the other animals that are suffering because of us.   Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.

  11. My God! This is the most terrible thing I heard to day! Are they really going to shoot them. I will be going through the petition and sign it. I think that is the most appaling thing to happen on earth. I had worked with USDA Forest Service and I think there are some really good scientists out there. Have they given green signal to such a horrible deal.

    YOu can not live without wolves mind it you are doomed if you lost one link of the chain on which you all are hanging. Wolf of any such big animals are the keystones of the nature and mind you fidlling with that!

  12. Wolves are predators. They kill other animals. I don't want them on my property

  13. I live in Minnesota, and there's no shortage of 'em here. In fact, we have too much of many animals - wolves, bear, deer. Anytime a species is protected here, and the species recovers, regulation insures they're here to stay. I've watched the process my whole life. Over hunting and trapping has been eliminated. And I can guarantee there is no program that would kill 75% of the wolves. Where did you get that?

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