
Will you join me in ..........?

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...... wishing Her Majesty and His Royal Highness, Prince Phillip congratulations on their 60th (Diamond) Wedding Anniversay (20th November 2007)? If so please use the following link:




  1. And an extraordinary example they have set......

    and for the information of Ben B and others - the Queen does send out congratulations to couples who reach that milesstone, and to those who celebrate their 100th birthdays. So the Queen does send greetings to strangers, if they reach a significant milestone.

  2. Dunnit.

  3. I have done that with a great deal of pleasure and thank you very much for the link it is nice to see someone here supporting the Royal Family instead of knocking them

  4. I'd congratulate any one who makes that milestone! For a couple whose every move is watched and judged and whose lives are spent doing things when perhaps all they really want to do is stick their feet up and watch TV and with the strain put on their relationship I would be pleased to join you!

    Whether you are a supporter of Royalty or not shouldn't matter! Most people can't stay married 5 minutes these days!

    Congratulations to them both!!!!!!!!

  5. With pleasure.  Thank-you.

  6. Hey, I'll drink to anything!

    Though a couple that can remain together for 60 years (especially a ROYAL couple, with everything that entails) deserve all the accolades they can get!

    Here's to the q***r old dean!

  7. yeah no probs

  8. I will.

  9. yea, the day they do me.

    i dont congratulate people i dont know.

  10. I wish them all the best & congratulate them on being the only members of their family to remain together.

  11. Yeah

  12. No, thank You. I'm a republic type guy and find the institution of monarchy heinous. A medieval disease really, like the black plague but longer lasting and more harmful. Knock yourself out though, maybe they'll let you shine up their boots or something nice like that, perhaps you could be the royal footstool for a day, eh what?

  13. I have!

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