
Will you join me today in honoring...?

by  |  earlier

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Everyday we will honor a different member here of Nascar Nation but here is the catch, the toastee gets to pick the best answer (via email to me or writing in their response).

Let the @ss kissing commence. lol




  1. Winter Glory is one of the most loyal fans. She stands by her driver, I have never seen her bash a driver, and she has had her fair share of B.S. in here and still kept her composure. Winter, is one of the best, and smartest, and nicest in the NASCAR section. I just wish other people had the respect that she has.

    Winter, this Bud. ............Uh, I mean Amp is for you.

  2. She would be even better if she found a real race car driver to root for. LOL Have a great day WG

  3. Awww....that's so sweet Tom, thank you.

  4.'s to you Winter-Glory **Cheers!**  

    I have the utmost respect for you and the Q & A's you provide.   They are always fair and sometimes quite humorus.  I think you are one of the coolest Bush fans in our NASCAR Nation.    Have a great day!

  5. Great idea Tom!

    Even though she is a KYB fan, she had the courage to admit to all of us that Junior kinda grew on her. lol.....she is a true fan. Congrats to you Winter-Glory! Bottoms up!

    Peace n Smiles  :0))

  6. Yeah!  Great!  

    Winter Glory is Cool, Awesone!

  7. All I want to know is, What is she feeling on Rowdy???

    j/k and congrats to todays honoree!


  9. Winter Glory is awesome,she should be President of Rowdy Nation !

  10. There are a special few whose answers I always look forward to and Winter-Glory is one of those. Plus it's always nice when someone is passionate about their driver, even if others aren't. I should know! Being a Kyle Petty & Bobby Labonte fan comes with it's share of put downs. No back-side kissing here, just the whole truth and nothing but the truth. <VBG>

  11. Winter Glory is so cool, she might even someday convince me to like her driver..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  12. I'm raising my virtual glass and drinking a toast to Winter Glory.

    Does she get a gold watch or something?  How about a lifetime supply of M&Ms?  ;  )

  13. Yeah.   Good girl.  Her Avatar turns me on sometimes. I'm a sucker for the librarian look.


  14. Anyone who pulls for Kyle Busch, I just cant support.  Sorry.  So no, I will not be honoring her.  But I do appreciate her enthusiasm for this great sport.

  15. It's no secret that I am not a fan of her driver but she is awesome and a true fan.  She is respectful and honest, kudos to her and the fact that she is really enjoying the season so far!

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  16. For those who are about to dish out 10 points to the best @ss kissers...... We salute you!!

  17. Winter-Glory is a good answerer I enjoy reading her responses even if she likes shrubs.

  18. Cool! She has fun questions! & love reading what  she has to say! LOL

  19. anyone who likes JGR's second bad boy can't be all bad!!

  20. Hooray Winter Glory for having good taste in drivers!!!

  21. Great idea Tom G!!

    Winter is really great she has really enlightened me on different drivers and I love her Q's and A's She's taught me not to be so quick to judge on my first opinion and to at least listen (read) what others have to say first!! She's even gotten me to lighten up on Kyle some and even though I still don't belong to her exclusive "Rowdy's World" she always gives me respect and has even stood up herself for my driver (even though she doesn't like to admit that one LOL) but I think she is terrific and I promise I'm not just saying this to get best answer I really mean it and I've said it before in other Q and A's!! So Thanks Winter you're great!!

  22. shoot winter glory has my vote.... the girl rocks...... i love winter glory!

    not to mention she smart, funny, and kind hearted and is passionate about her wild thing........

  23. I guess for a Shurb fan, she's ok.  Even though she voted against me in the "elect a president" question.  Oh well, an unelected Pres. can't be impeached anyway, it's all good.

  24. It's often hard to tell who is who on the internet but whoever Winter Glory is, she is a wonderful person.

  25. yay!

    Winter-Glory is amazing.

    she gives great answers.

    & she cheers for non other than..Rowdy!!!


    it's pretty hard to find another rowdy fan! :]

  26. Winter-Glory's question and answers are always interesting to read. She rocks!

  27. we honor you

  28. Yes!!!! Keep ''sailing'' through these questions!!!

  29. Winter Glory is one of the best answerer's on here and is really a TRUE Nascar fan. All the stuff that has been said about Kyle on here she has never waivered on her support for her driver. She has been a Kyle Busch fan since the day I came into this forum and for her sticking by her guns and staying with Kyle, this I salute you Winter Glory!! Have a great day Winter Glory!!

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