
Will you keep buying gas if it hits $6?

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Be honest about this one. I've heard people complaining that they would stop driving around the $3 mark yet their still driving the same as usual. If gas gets to $6 a gallon will people keep buying and continue letting the oil industry dry out their pockets?




  1. I personally will continue to buy gas.  We'll probably generally switch over to smaller and more fuel efficient cars as a country like much of Europe has.  I think BMW and maybe a few other brands are introducing their diesel cars here soon and those are pretty efficient... but they're diesel.  I have been driving MUCH less than before though, no more going out with friends to some place 60 miles away just to cruise.  We now cruise for no more than 25 minutes in the most fuel sipping car among us. =)

    Hey, at least we're still paying less than Europe is... for now...

  2. were lucky considering other places like amsterdam...

  3. I probably will, but I just won't drive as much. I'll drive only when necessary, but I'll walk to school and take the train anywhere else.

  4. some people will have no choice but to drive. i live in the middle of nowhere and there are no buses, trains,taxis, or any kind of transportation except for our own vehicles.

    my 68 cougar gets about 8 mpg lol

  5. yes, i will. but i will be riding my motorcycle more. it gets a good 47+ mpg. nice!

  6. yes, and i think the whole world will keep buying it.

  7. Just probably not as much, I'd probably be riding a bicycle to school and work. Both are close, so I have no problems.

  8. yes i will continue to buy it, i just wont go as much we have no choice but to buy it,its the one thing we have to use to power our vehicles,i wont like paying 6 bucks for it,lets hope it doesn't do that though,its bad enough now,good luck.

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