
Will you leave islam if there is no death threat from your community?

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are you living in fear for life?




  1. hi,i am not living in fear for life and there isnt threat for my community,dear freind you think wrong.

  2. there's no threat in my community. i am not living in fear for my life. i will not leave Islam.

  3. There are many "Christians" who follow Christ because they fear being sent to a fiery h**l for eternity if they do not.

    Perhaps they are also living in fear.

    I shall await your thumbs down.

  4. would we leave our Christian life if there was a feeling we will \\go  to h**l,why question someone else religion and think our is right,I believe all religion have some kind of truth in them.

    Its depend on how everyone view them right or wrong.

  5. death threat?!

    where do you get your info?

  6. You realize that there are millions of Muslims in the West who face no fear of retaliation if they give up their faith, right?

  7. "You realize that there are millions of Muslims in the West who face no fear of retaliation if they give up their faith, right?"

    Well not directly anyway, they might get disowned by there family.

  8. You got a mighty question right here and now... woww....

  9. your in your own little world you don't Even know what islam is

  10. In my community, its our own will to have it or not!! our lives are safe at same level being at any end. But `m Muslim by heart n will remain by the grace of Almighty.  

  11. i would never leave it. if a person follows a religion because of someone else, it's not sincere, god knows what's in your heart. i love practicing this religion and in my community all i've received is support from both muslims and non muslims.  

  12. I am muslim living in america. no human being stops me to leave islam. But why should I leave Islam, this is the best religion on very simple belief. There is only one Almighty GOD, and he sent many messengers on this earth to teach us the right path. Prophet Mohammad (Peace be on him) was the last prophet. God does not need any help from anybody, he does not need any family, like son or any other relatives. He created every thing. Very simple

  13. Great question.

    Even Muslims in the west have much to fear. Although the threat of death is not as intimidating in western communities, the threat of "total loss of all family immediately" is. After all, with only a few rare rare exceptions, a Muslim who leaves Islam WILL IMMEDIATELY LOSE ALL ISLAMIC FAMILY MEMBERS 99.999% OF THE TIME. Thats a fact. No exagerration at all.

    Muslims always live under the threat of loss or death if they leave Islam. Always.

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