
Will you let a homeless person into your home during a powerful storm?

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We had a tornado earlier this week and there are a lot of homeless people around here. the storm was strong and the rain flooded a lot of basements I haven't seen any homeless people since the storm and this was the second to pass us since I can remember this time we had warnings and I was wondering if any of you will allow a homeless person into your home when there is a powerful storm. Since the first tornado my mother had told us that if there is anyone trapped outside we should help them but will you? I want honest answers please.




  1. I would, in all honesty. If I were homeless (God forbid), I'd want the same hospitality. I'd let him/her stay (especially if he/she has children), but for a certain time period, but after that, they have to leave.  

  2. of course i would let them in but i would watch them very carefully cuz u never know wat kind of ppl are out there...besides that i would feed them and give them towles and a blanket. Just think of Jesus when u do it...think about how he helped the homeless. it wil make u a better person.

  3. if someone is by my house i would. but it's not like i'm gonna go out searching to help them.

  4. I wouldent

  5. i really don't think that a homeless person would even find my home, but if they did then it would matter how i felt about that person at first impression.

  6. I would open my home to storm victims whether they where homeless or not. Natural disasters could make any of us homeless tomorrow.

  7. No, I have children.  I can't take that kind of risk, sorry.

  8. No.  I live in a bad part of town (Kansas City, by the way, and we get our fair share of tornados).  We have quite a few homeless people, but they are unpredictable.  You might be inviting a dangerous crack addict into your home.

    However, I do have a crawl space under the back of my house.  I would let them hang out in there.

  9. rather not.

  10. yes but only for a certain time so they can recover

  11. not not really its already crowded no   room

  12. There are certain factors to consider here, obviously. Like, what kind of individual the person in question is. You have to consider the safety of your household and your own loved ones first. But, I think we "should do unto others as we would have done to us", just like the bible says. I believe in exercising compassion along with sensibility and caution. Safety is key! No one in your home should feel at risk by having a stranger in their midst. Just because we help someone, doesn't mean they won't turn around and hurt us in return. But, we can't let fear make all of our decisions for us either. For the most part, I believe that it is best to help others in need, especially during a crisis or emergency situation. You never know when the time may come that you will need help of some kind. In your own time of need, you may be glad you chose to help another in theirs.

  13. I would. Even if I don't know them he/she is still a human, and I would worry about him/her.

    Although I know my parents wouldn't let him in, them being loving christians and all. I'm an atheist btw.

  14. I would not. I don't know them. I don't know what they've done, what they're capable of doing and what they want to do. I don't let strangers into my house under any circumstance. Besides, they should have a plan for these types of scenarios ahead of time.

  15. No

  16. yeah for a swig of his tennents super :)

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