
Will you marry me???

by Guest58777  |  earlier

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No I'm not asking you that, just wanted to know if you think its weird if a girl ask the guy to marry her?




  1. The traditional answer would be the man should ask. In the extremely non traditional modern environment not much is taboo any longer. Go with your heart on this, just be prepared for any answer. ( men are prepared for the worse & hope for the best wen asking) Also you may want to just talk about the idea of marriage " the what if questions" If he does not want to "dream" with you about life together then that should be a pretty good hint.

  2. no,  its more common now, to where the woman ask the man. just make sure he feels the same way about you

  3. It's not weird. It's different. Being different doesn't make something weird. It could be a bit awkward if the guy is making the first moves all the time, though, if that's the case, make the first moves [kissing and such] before asking such a big question.

  4. It's not weird!!  It may be a wee bit unusual... I talked to my fiance about this before we got engaged.  He said that it was 'absolutely not okay' with him because the proposal is the one chance that he got to be super-romantic and sweep me off my feet.  After the proposal, the show is run (usually) by the bride.  He made me promise that I would leave him the opportunity to do this one romantic thing for me.  While I think most women would whole-heartedly support a wedding proposal made by a woman, most men would not.  Your boyfriend (whose opinion is the only one that matters on this point) may not be terribly excited about you stealing his thunder...

  5. yeah i think its desperate sounding

  6. well it shouldn't,

    but if the guy want to have the pants of a relationship then he would think it was weird.

  7. Weird? No

    Two of my fiance's friends were proposed to by their girlfriends. They always get teased about not wearing the pants. Traditionally, the proposal is the guy's territory and by taking that away from they guy, he may be perceived by his friends as less of a man.

    Proposing to a guy is personally, not my cup of tea, but whatever it is the 21st century.

  8. I don't think it's weird in the right situation (like it is an appropriate time in the relationship/the girl isn't just asking because she just wants a wedding).

    That being said, I personally would never do it.  I'm totally old-fashioned (I wouldn't even ask a guy on a date) like Charlotte from s*x and the City, so I would never be up for asking myself.  But if another woman is, more power to her!

    My fiance is also kind of old fashioned that way too, and I think he would be kind of offended (if that's the correct term for it) if I had asked.  He took great pride in the being the "man", that had to make the decision to take the marriage step, ask my father for his blessing and pick out my ring (all without me knowing).

    Hope that helps.

  9. i think it is. The man is the one who should ask you....because he's the one who is going to suport the marriage the most.

  10. not at all. this is the 21st century

  11. no.................a girl askin  a guy to marry her is a to die for act..........i mean it's so romantic...........n for a change girls shud make such a move atleast once in her life..............i mean everytime it's a guy who makes the first move for everything................

  12. Each to their own. Its more traditional if the guy asks.

  13. Not at all


  14. i dont think its weird at all. it goes against like "storybook romance" and all the cliches, but sometimes its better to go your own way and do things the way you want. you dont always have to follow traditions and all, you can start your own!

  15. I'm not sure how to feel about this.... I'm sure it could be sweet and romantic. But the only time I've ever heard of this (among people I know) it was really desperate sounding, and she was pretty much giving him an ultimatum... it was very immature behavior, and everyone who knows them agreed. He said yes, and they got married already, but the girl never got an engagement ring, and she didn't openly announce the engagement-- most people didn't even know until after they actually got married. It seemed really awkward and the relationship appears quite unhealthy... as if she made him feel obligated.

    I do agree that the decision to get married is a joint decision, but I really like the tradition of the man getting down on one knee and asking the woman to be his wife (when they are both ready). But that's just me....
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