
Will you miss the newborn/baby section trolls when they go back to school next week?

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I actually think I might.

What has been your favorite troll question or answer from this summer?

Baby Peenith? Baby bathing in the toliet? Neighbor nursing goats?




  1. "How do you get pregnant"

    Classic. Just.. classic.  

  2. It's got to be "I threw ketchup all over McDonald's and now my mom wants to put me in diapers" question......LOL

  3. h**l no I won't miss them!  I hate stupid questions like that.  Makes me wonder about their own parents..

  4. the one that gets posted here and in pregnancy -

    can i get my mother done for child abuse. im 16 and i was throwing ketchup in mcdonalds and she said she would put me in a diaper if i continue to act like a baby.

  5. I think my fav was the "will my baby fall out of me and if so can it breath in the toilet".  Good for a chuckle but mostly annoying.

  6. Haha! The sad thing I have been tricked more than once! I give a real answer and then after I check their account and it has like 300 questions and 2 answers - dammit, I fell for it again! Haha, I am too gullible.

  7. What a freakin great question!!! Thanks for the good laugh. Won't miss them at all...I'm here at work, and I am truly addicted to this site, so it really is a waste of time for me to have to deal with it...but yes the Mc Donald's one was pretty funny!

  8. Hahah sadly I think most may actually be adults.  

  9. Ha, I like funny questions from people we know on here who also ask serious questions. I even like funny questions that are just funny. The ones I hate are the ones where people try to be funny but are actually scary! It's even sadder that a lot of these people are probably adults!

    P.S. I think my favorite was the Peenith one. SO many people answered seriously!

  10. Did I miss something?  Did something happen to my little Peenith?  Say it isn't so.

    Edit-Oh thank goodness.  I thought something bad happened. 10 or 11, wow.  That is impressive.  I dub thee Peenmax.

  11. If the baby's head comes out at 11:59, but the feet don't come out until 12:01... When is the baby's birthday?!?!?



    Baby Peenith was awesome though, lol

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