
Will you or wont you find out?

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I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have my 20 week scan at the end of September i cant wait to make sure everything is ok then we want to find out the s*x. What did you do/or will you do? find out or not?

thanks in advance for answering and congrats to all the mums to be




  1. hey i found out man i couldnt take all the suspense! hahaha you had to wiat till 20 wks that would have killed me i was 18 wks and 4 days!! good luck

  2. I so want to find out, I'm only 13 weeks now so I have a few more weeks to convince my dear hubby that I need to know! Lol

  3. With my first I was anxious to find out, so we found out.  I knew the second I peed on the stick we were having a boy, then at the ultrasound it said boy so I have a son.  This time around we are not finding out.  It'll be hard but I want to hear the doctor say "It's a ____"  

  4. DH and I plan on finding out. I wish I could hold out, but the suspense would drive me crazy lol. However my step father doesn't want to know until he goes to the hospital to see the baby for the first time.

  5. I found out! no way I couldnt! were having a boy! you can only buy so many neutral coloured clothes for baby! plus now we can decorate the nursery too! im making my own curtains with some funky fabric.

    plus there was no way we couldnt not see he was a he! lol.. had his legs wide open with it all on display! lol..

    hes due 23rd dec! so the surprise will be when he comes anyway being so close to xmas! we cant wait!!!

  6. I found out it was a boy.   I was dying to find out, I could not wait!  We are so excited!  Could not be happier!  We wanted to know, so we could paint and decorate, and by clothes and stuff that were not unisex, but everyone has their own opinion! Good luck and congrats!

  7. Its a personal choice, my uncle and his wife don't want to know until its born, I wanted to know ASAP so I could get cloths ready and get rid of my daughters old stuff.

    I liked to know so I can get things ready, some people like the surprise.

    You can always have the dr write it down in an envelope and open it when you are ready, if you want to.

  8. we didn't find out the s*x of our baby and the surprise was well worth it. Though by the end we were both convinced it was a boy and we were right!

    3 of my work colleagues are the same - none of us wanted to know in favour of waiting for that moment - its so worth it!!


    I had no problems choosing clothes, bedding or anything for our little man - I'm not a pink for a girl blue for a boy sort of person in any case!

    he has beautiful neutral teddies bed linen (with matching change mat, towel, top and tail bowl etc!) in his crib (since he's in our room anyway) and has heaps of clothes - of course we were gifted so much boy stuff when he arrived we probably won't need to shop until he is one!!

  9. I am 22 weeks pregnant and had my gender scan 2 weeks ago, we wanted to find out the s*x, so we can personalise the room to our taste for our baby, and it felt like we could start using the name we chose also, It's not always great calling it, IT.  

    Also I think it makes alot more sense to find out sooner, while you are still working and have money to kit out the room and not wait until you are on reduced pay, once the baby is born.  Who would want to?  

    for info, we are having a little girl and we have already decorated her nursery.  

  10. Yes we are going to find out the s*x.  Me and my husband both agreed from the beginning that we were going to find out.  I am 18 weeks now and have my scan in 11 days (and counting!).

  11. I found out. For me I just felt like it would be a surprise either way - just 20 weeks earlier if I found out on the ultrasound. I really wanted to know what color to paint the nursery (I didn't want to do gender-neutral) and what clothes to buy. Since so many women find out now there are a lot more choices in nursery bedding and clothing that are gender specific.

    However, it's a really personal choice and there isn't really a right or wrong answer. It's just how you feel.

  12. we found out with all 3. and they were all boys. if i ever do get pregnant again, we decided to wait and be surprised because being pregnant is enough stress as it is, if i knew i was having another boy it would upset me too much, id rather wait til i have the baby, and then id be happy no matter what, as long as the baby is healthy!

  13. My husband and I decided before we evern got pregnant that we didn't want to know the s*x ahead of time.

    I am so glad we waited until our son was born to find out.  Finding out we had a boy at the very moment of his birth was the best surprise of my life, and I wouldn't change it for the world.  If we ever have another baby, we plan to be surprised with that one as well.

    EDIT:  I just wanted to add that you have another option if you still want something of a surprise after the baby comes.  You and your husband can find out, but don't tell anyone else that you know (and swear one another to secrecy).  That way, when the baby is born, you still have the wonderful moment of telling the grandparents, family, and friends "It's a boy/girl," as opposed to just "Jacob/Emily is here."

  14. Im 34 weeks and dont know what im having, it adds a nice little surprise at the end and keeps everyone guessing.  

  15. I've found out everything as soon as possible.  With technology being what it is today, there's no reason (other than shear patience) that anyone wouldn't be able to know, so why not?!  Every time I've gone to the big ultrasound, which is twice now and once more in 2 weeks, I've asked the sonographer to point out boy/girl because it's such a definitive picture these days and very little chance for a mistake.  It's up to you to decide on what you want to know, and really the big U/S is so you can make sure nothing is physically wrong with the baby-- such as 4 chambers of the heart, no spina bifida, 5 toes/fingers, etc.  You'll see... it is awesome!

  16. hi congrats on your pregnancy, im 17 weeks, and want to find out at my 20 week scan, apart from it being a surprise anyway, i think it will help when it comes to planning the nursery etc. Just hope that the baby doesnt cross its legs as my wee niece did when my sis in law tried to find out,she booked a private scan too and she still crossed her legs through that so it was 3rd time lucky!!! good luck:)

  17. My first u/s was at 17 wks.

    I wanted one earlier because I thought something was up.  Well we found out we were having twins!

    So I said wth lets go ahead and find out the s*x.  I had a feeling that BOTH WERE BOYS.. I was right.  

    I was kinda hoping for a girl.  So that is why I said that both were boys. (I'm very unlucky and don't get what I want very often LOL)

    So now I'm gonna be a mommy to 3 little boys.  

  18. My husband and I went back and forth for a while.  At first I didn't want to find out, because I was terrified of a mistake..  I don't want to be in shock when the baby comes out, that our pink room and pink clothes are not going to be right for our new little boy, lol!  The ultrasound tech told us that with the diagnostic ultrasounds, the most accurate he could be was 85%, and that was with a perfect view with perfect clarity.  The accuracy can quite easily decrease from that!

    My little sister really wanted to be present for an ultrasound, and I didn't want her to be at a diagnostic ultrasound, in case something was wrong.  We decided to go for a private 3D ultrasound.  That way my husband gets his wish of finding out, and I get the reassurance that the accuracy is 99.9%!  We are making a big deal of it, inviting our closest friends and family, and web casting it across to four distant people!  It's still going to be a surprise, just a little sooner!  I can't wait!  We're still making it a special event, so I don't think I'll feel disappointed that I lose that surprise at the birth.  It will also be easier on people buying shower gifts - lets face it, unisex clothes are far and few between!  I'm still going to be pretty unisex with my room colours, and the big stuff,  just in case!  Choosing a name is going to be so much easier now!  And I also don't have to worry about accidently seeing something on one of the scans, guessing what it is, than being wrong!  I get to see the whole baby now!  Well, good luck!!  And congrats!  Whatever you choose to do will be wonderful!

  19. We found out the s*x of our baby but now looking back on it, it would have been such a nice surprise when he was born!

    Then again, I probably would have drove myself crazy wondering what it was.

  20. I am 28 weeks pregnant and I didnt find out. It was so hard not to as was very temted at the scan but now Im glad I didnt. I want the surprise factor but it is making it a bit difficult chosing bedding etc. I say keep it a surprise but everyone is different :-) x

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