
Will you pay your friend for gas and how much? how about a drink here and there?

by  |  earlier

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Let's say you asking a friend of yours to drive you home from school or work twice a week. You're both leaving from the same place. The place is about an hour away from you and about 50 minutes away from her, meaning that she will have to drive an extra 10 minutes to get you home. Will you pay for the gas and how much will you pay per week (it's only twice a week) and will you throw in a drink here and there or leave the drinks out and just pay for gas?




  1. They might drive 10 mins extra but they also have to drive another 10 to get back to their own house, 20 mins is a hassle, I'd offer like 10... But I have a honda 10's a lot for me, if they have a hummer or something I'd offer a lil more.

  2. Id offer twenty dollars gas money.

  3. How much does it cost you now to get to and from work?

    How much would you charge her if you were going out of your way to get her home?

    $20./week and a coffee is a fair price.

  4. My husband drives a co-worker home from work every day-it is about 10 miles out of his way. The co-worker gives him $20.00 a week. He also buys him drinks and food one in awhile. My husband has a  35 miles commute but then add the 10 miles on the way home.

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