
Will you please look at this link?

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Is it only common sense to be concerned with McCain/Palin ticket. No disrespect, I hope he lives to be 100. I don't think most of you Republicans would have nominated Palin for president in the beginning?




  1. I might not have picked her from the beginning but I have loved watching libs make hypocrites out of themselves about her.  

    Amazing really.

  2. The statistics on life expectancy are just averages, and include people of all different types and lifestyles.  However, I do note that the demands of the presidency has aged every one of our presidents in my lifetime, some of them quite severely.  Just take a look at their pictures on the campaign trail, and then again as they left office.  It's a very demanding job.

    It does seem odd that McCain would choose a running mate who is so out of the main stream of the country, and one that we never even heard of until recently.  In fact, I would have expected him to choose among his early competitors in the primaries.  Those are the ones most clearly qualified to run.

    Not to run the country, mind you; just to run the campaign.  The Republicans don't seem to have anyone who would be any good to run the country since they gave Ron Paul such a raw deal.

  3. I didn't look at your link. I'm sorry.

    Because sure as shootin' I would have voted for her.

  4. Well, that is the life expectancy at birth, and for a male it is 75.  If McCain follows this to a T, then he still has several years left and vp experience is great experience to groom a president.  That is only if he follows the trend.  My guess is that he could conceivably live another 20 years--we've all heard that his mother jogs every day even though she is in her 90s.  Also, he released his health records, and they showed him to be in great health.  Are we to elect based on fear of what ifs and the order of ascendancy?  Here's a scary scenario: Obama is elected and assassinated by a white supremacist nut job and Biden dies of a third brain aneurysm.  Who, then, becomes president?  Nancy Pelosi!  That is about as good of a reason not to vote for Obama as McCain's age is to not vote for him.

  5. Good grief,,,is that really the best you've got???!!!  John McCain is not a statistic - he is a person, a person whose mother is alive and kicking at the age of 96.  

    Look, you seem to be a little more respectful than most of the Obama peeps on this site, and kudos to you for that...but your thinking is a bit faulty on this one.

    BTW:  Yes, I would be very happy with Sarah Palin as President.

    Here's why:

    *Her approval ratngs as governor are the highest in the nation, never falling below 80%!

    *She has a PROVEN track record as a reformer and has gone after corruption in both parties!

    *She has drastically cut government waste as both mayor of Wasilla and governor of Alaska. Her first act as Mayor was to give herself a pay cut. As governor, she got rid of some excess staffers in the governor's mansion saying "I can make sandwiches for the children myself." She sold the state's private jet on e-bay. She returned federal government funds and put an end to the "Bridge to Nowhere". (There's more, but you would have to be pretty dense not to get the picture.)

    *She choose to allow her Downs Syndrome child to be born, not giving just lip service to her Pro-Life stance.

    *Under her leadership, the state coffers are much so that all citizens of Alaska will soon receive (or maybe already have) a tax rebate in the thousands, not the hundreds.

    *She is Captain of the Alaska's National Guard. She knows what it is like to be a military commander. Even if on a smaller scale than Commnder and Chief, still much more than Obama or Biden can say.

    *She has dealt with Russian President Putin on a fairly regular basis regarding fishing rights,etc. and has been proclaimed by him as one of the few American politicians he trusts. (This is especially helpful now with the whole Russia/Georgia situation. She has his ear and his respect...and doesn't Obama believe negotiation is the way to go in dealing with international crisis?!)

    *She's one of us, not a Washington insider. Her working class credentials are impeccable. Her husband is even a member of the United Steel Workers Union. (That will be especially important to people in states like Pennsylvania and the steel mill workers there.)

    As to the experience issue, she is the ONLY candidate (and I must include McCain in that) who has experience in the Administrative Branch of government as governor of her state.  Senators are members of the Legislative Branch.  Her 2 years as governor trumps Obama's 1 year as a Jr. Senator...most of that time being spent campaigning for the Presidency.

  6. The man is a complete BORE.

    Did you know he went to WAR college?

    WAR college!!

    Some old dude "pulled some strings" to get him in and you should have seen how ugly he got when the newscaster tried to question him on it.

    War college...just WTH is that anyhow?

    Maybe Obama will bring in PEACE college...but first he has to whip some butts.

    McCain called himself self indulgent and used to getting his guess is somethings never change.

    Reagan?  You bring up Reagan?  Mr. Senility??

    Good thing Reagan had NANCY and her ASTROLOGERS to help guide the nation!!! ROTFLMFAO.....

    Ah what a laugh I'm having today.

    Next you are going to start preaching the virtues of NIXON right????


    I don't think Palin is up for such scholars south of the border there...intelligence seems to dip the lower south you get too.  No surprises there.


  7. With all of the "Change" you libs have been screaming for, don't you think age discrimination is also a problem????  Or do you like the idea that once your father or grandfather reaches 70, he should just be shut away from the world because of his 'age'???  

    That's ignorant, pure and simple.

  8. I would have voted for her if her name was on the ticket. I think she's a breath of fresh air. Trust me if she can handle 5 children a husband and handle running a state. She can handle anything she's a strong woman and will probably clean up Washington while she's at it. Have a little faith most woman are better at straighten out issues as is!!  

  9. I'm sorry, I refuse to look at anything listed on wikipedia.  People can go in and edit the information to suit their own purposes.  The sources they cite for information aren't reliable more than half the time (when the authors of the articles actually give sources.)

    Remember this, people:  Everyone griped about how old Bob Dole was when he ran for President.  They predicted he would die in office.  And the man is STILL alive.  He could have served two full terms.

    And McCain comes from a family who live very, very long lives.  His mother is still alive.  He has good genes.

    EDIT:'m sorry.  I thought your post was funny.  Annapolis is a prestigious Naval Academy, not a WAR College.  LMAO!  My grandfather had the honor of going there, lovely place.

  10. Where's Alaska in that chart?

  11. I'm not sure why any woman would vote for her? I have no problem with pro-lifers but she believes that rape victims and victims of incest must carry to full-term. Shes suggesting that a young girl raped and molested by her father which is a traumatic event must then continue to have to carry her fathers child simply because she believes it is wrong. I don't think so! As far as his age; I agree with the poster who said he is a bore..McSame really is dull. Thats another reason why he picked her to bring some life into his stale campaign. She is way to ultra-conservative for me.  

  12. No, thank you!



  13. Reagan, arguably one of our greatest presidents, was older than McCain when elected for his second term.  

  14. Reagan was 92 when he died.  Bush Sr is over 80 and went skydiving for his 80th b day.  McCain has access to the best medical treatment.  It is not an issue.

  15. Palin for President 2012!

  16. Looks like that graph says life expectancy is 78 to 80 years.  That's average.  That means some people live much longer; some people don't. That's quite a bit older than McCain is now.  And what are you talking about, nominating Palin for president "in the beginning"?  She wasn't running for president during the primaries, as I recall.  She isn't running for president, now.

    Edit:  Eve, I would like to know WTH you are calling "war college"?  McCain went to Annapolis.  A person doesn't  get into Annapolis because someone pulls strings.  YOU couldn't get into Annapolis if someone was pulling a damned ROPE.

    Edit 2:  Lee, do you have a link for that information about Palin's stand on abortion in case of rape and/or incest?  If you do, post it.  ......................No?   Didn't think so.

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