
Will you please take a look at my poem? :)?

by Guest57392  |  earlier

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I'll laugh with ya if its really bad :P

Please tell me the honest truth:

(I don't have a title yet...)

The door holds a secret.

What lay behind, you do not know

What it is, it does not show.

Lingering, high above your head

There it lay, heavy as lead.

For a day you may wonder,

Ponder, as you lay.

Struggling to reach that inner mind

Where inside you just might find

The secret.

Yet it will not show.

Do you know?

The End! :)

It's intended to provoke kids imagination (kids ages 10-13, maybe older?)




  1. what lay behind it... I think you should write that differently. Sounds kind of strange maybe what lies behind it. Or however you spell that. Other then that, I think you did a good job=]

  2. It was awsome! The vocab words were understandable. So... wats da secret!?It could be a poem for almost any age.

  3. o,thats nice!! good for any1!!

    please answer mine,every1:;...

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