
Will you please tell me about the institutions by which i can adopt a child?

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i want to adopt a child

as i d't have any kid




  1. I believe in the US, the "institutions" would be considered foster care, agency, or lawyer.  

    Foster care is full of children who need loving, safe homes.

    Agency adoptions will be able to give you information on domestic and international adoptions and help you to facilitate an adoption through them.

    Private adoptions are usually done when a bio-family wants to make an adoption plan for their child and finds an adoptive family they would like to have adopt the child.  The lawyer then will process the paperwork, etc., for a private adoption.

    Good luck to you.

  2. I think you should finish school first

  3. why not adopt a dog or cat instead

  4. I htink u should cause adopting a kid is great for both sides one you have a kid and the other the kid has a family.Trust me I have 7 adopted cousins..!


    I hope this helps..!

  5. nothing really their is no institutions about a baby.But they will cry continuously,need dipper changing once awhile,and they will need their bottle,but its not that bad because it's just a baby.

  6. try DFCS... dont go to some foriegn country, try adopting a child here that needs a loving parent... become a foster parent

  7. If you are in the US and would like to adopt a Child (as opposed to a newborn) There are an estimated 120,000 waiting in foster care...

    The best place to start is your local Department of Human Services (or Child Protective Services). Every state has their own process and system.

    In most cases, there are two ways: Provide Foster care for children and IF their caseplan changes from reunification to adoption and there are no interested relatives the foster home with the child will have be the next to be considered for adoption....


    Straight adoption which in most states requires a bit more extensive Home Study process, and matching made by a committee or group of people. In these types of adoption an effort is made to find the best family for a child, and move the child to your home as a pre-adoptive placement which means that You are the adoptive resource.

    Either way the process generally requires about 2 years or longer--the difference is that Fostering means you parent the child without knowing if you will be able to adopt and Straight Adoption means you will wait on pin-and-needles until a placement is made...

  8. In addition to the other answers, you can also look at the international adoption route.

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