
Will you pledge to not purchase fuel March 18-20, 2008? We have to do something in that direction. I will.?

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Will you pledge to not purchase fuel March 18-20, 2008? We have to do something in that direction. I will.?




  1. In Tennessee we have tried to do this several times and it has not helped one bit. I really do not know how to change the situation. I am worried about the low income family's. I do not know how they are making ends meet. The rising gas prices are effecting food prices as well. Our dollar worth is falling. I hope that they bring more manufacturing facilitates back to the U.S.A.. I think that moving the factory's over seas is what has hurt us so.

  2. I agree something needs to be done.  It's harder than ever to make ends meet.  However, a 3 day fuel "strike" won't, in my opinion, be effective.  People would make sure they get fuel before and cause the prices to go higher.  Unfortuately, we still need gas to get to work, the store, or school.  But something still needs to be done, I agree.

    We need to create a gas "war" of our own.  Obviously, the oil companies are working as one to keep the prices high.  We need to change that.  What if we pick, say, just one of the big oil suppliers (i.e. Exxon Mobil with the record breaking profits) and boycott those stations until they post prices under $3?  Consumers could still get the gas that they need, (might have to wait in a line to get it, but well worth the burden if it brings relief)  It certainly would take some research to find whom Exxon Mobil supplies to (Where does the grocery store get their gas, and the little mom and pop stations?)  But surely someone like the Teamsters, or AAA certainly would have the resourses to help with such tasks.  We would all win by working together.

  3. The best bet for causing the government to get involved and get off their tails is for everyone....everyone.... to just stay at home for a couple of days and bring this to a screeching halt.  Can you imagine the impact that would have.  Leave only police and emergency vehicles on the road for a couple of days.

  4. I think I have enough until Saturday.

  5. You have my pledge. I have sent this to many colleagues of mine, they have responded positively. You have at least 50 pledges. They are sending the message out as well. We do need to make a statement.

  6. I do not know if it will help or not, but I am with you all the way.

  7. In India, the government some time ago, closed all the petrol bunks, one day in a week to reduce its import bill. But, that did not solve the problem.

  8. We have to refuse to buy from the bigger companies I think in order to make an impact.

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