
Will you pump gas 400$ ..................?

by  |  earlier

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will you pump your gas NAKED for 400$ (with the person RECORDING you on Video ?




  1. $400 no way.  Thats like two days worth of pay and by it being recorded that the rest of your life in shame. $40,000 maybe but even that is a big fat maybe.

  2. yes.  pumping gas naked isn't as bad as alot of other things.

  3. No when the fine is double that> + court costs>

  4. AHAHAHAHA no way! I'm very self conscious so i dont think i would. maybe drive around naked for $200. or pump gas on a naked person for $400 ?!?!? lol :)

  5. No Gas is only $4 a gallon so why should I pay any more than that to pump gas while I am naked?


    As long as they pay for the gas sure!!!!


  6. never. unless the person deletes the video and it will be a self- pump gas station, and maybe if it was deserted :)

  7. no!

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