
Will you rather have an abortion than struggle in poverty with the child?

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Should the Government tell us what to do with our life (keep or not keep a baby), when they have more decisions to take? Should a poor person who is told her child will be disabled for life or a single woman who gets raped give birth because of a label called pro-life? Should a high school drop-out who mistakenly get pregnant keep the baby, be on welfare and live in gun-drugs violent prone areas? Or should we educate people to reduce unwanted pregnancies, use "Morning AFTER PILLS" or better still practice safe s*x??

By the way where were the Christians/Evangelists during slavery....why are they acting they care and should be given a place in this election??




  1. well, in answer to your last question: LOOK UP William Wilberforce

    here's a link:

    and there's THE christian who pretty much ended the slave trade ....there was even a movie about it. (and he was an evangelical)

    Stop with the anti-christian c**p, please...especially when slavery has nothing to do with your question. I've just lost a whole bunch of respect for you.

    I say abortion goes hand in hand with euthanasia want the right to destroy a fetus, fine, but if you won't give me the right to die (having my own voice) I call that theocracy.

  2. A high school drop-out who mistakenly gets pregnant has other choices than to "keep the baby, be on welfare and live in gun-drugs violent prone areas".  Have you never heard of adoption?  As the mother of an adopted child, I am thankful every day to the unwed teenage mother who chose to give birth to her child and allow me to raise her as my own.  In this day and age there's no excuse for unwanted pregnancies...birth control is easily accessible.  I can understand abortion in cases of rape, but abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.

  3. Abort. It more financially and socially responsible for the entire country. I don't want to have to pay to raise people's unwanted welfare babies for 18 years. It's cheaper to abort.  

  4. Can't you say the same thing about a three year old child?

  5. Oh my yes.  I'm having one right now.

  6. "By the way where were the Christians/Evangelists during slavery"

    Not sure what that has to do with anything, but I can tell you where DEMOCRATS were.. fighting to keep slavery in place.  But you're still going to vote for one, aren't you?

  7. Morning-after pills are abortions - anything that happens to get rid of the baby after conception is abortion.

    Besides, that's what adoption is for - if you cannot raise your child, you give it to someone who can.

  8. I must be dyslexic.

    I thought your question was "would you rather snuggle up with an abortion than live in poverty."

  9. you don't mistakenly get pregnant you idiot.  How about not having s*x?  Has anyone heard of that?  Try waiting until you're married.  And I would never have an abortion.  According the Bible it's murder.

  10. Its a womans right to choose..Not a mans

  11. "Should a high school drop-out who mistakenly get pregnant keep the baby, be on welfare and live in gun-drugs violent prone areas? Or should we educate people to reduce unwanted pregnancies, use "Morning AFTER PILLS" or better still practice safe s*x??"

    Excellent, we should take it one step further. We should force every "high school drop out" to be on birth control because they can't make educated decision or be responsible for their own actions.

    It should be the gov't responsibility to make sure people are doing the right thing, since they aren't capable of making decisions on their own.

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