
Will you respect the next U.S. president no matter who wins the election?

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I have respected all four of the presidents in my life that I have been aware of, I was almost two when President Carter left office. I am sure I would have respected him. Obviously, I have not agreed with all four but I have always respected them and would not say the things Republicans said about President Clinton (not talking about the impeachment, I believe that was justified) or the things Democrats of said about President Bush (the current one, I can understand the critics of his policies even though I disagree). I am just curious if there are any others like me out there or are we so afraid of the other side, that we can not respect them.




  1. I respect the office of the President, but the man has to earn my respect.  The last two presidents, Clinton and Bush, have failed to do so.

  2. Normally all through my life I had respected all three presidents that have been in. And I may not have agreed with all thier decision but I didnt think that they were doing a bad job. But I can guaranteee you this I will not respect Obama if he gets in He is truly inexperienced, He lies, gives false information, and wants to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. This would be the first one ever that i could not put up with.

  3. I'll respect him till he no longer deserves it.

    I don't respect Bush.  He's killed too many people.

    Clinton really p!ssed me off with the impeachment and the NAFTA thing.  But I probably wouldn't kick him in the bag for it.

    Bush would get a good baggin'

    I was too young to know all the crappy stuff Reagan was doing to p!ss off little countries and s***w the unions and working man, if he wasn't dead, he'd probably get a baggin' too.

  4. I will respect the President of The United States, whomever we choose.  

  5. I always respect the CIC, even under Clinton's watch.  

  6. If Obama wins the presidency I intend to offer him all the trust, respect and support the Democrats offered Bush.

    The Democrats made the rules - now they have to have them applied to themselves.

  7. I won't Respect Mr. Socialism.

  8. I don't respect this one.

    I'm surprised the Republicans haven't made "obey the president" a law yet.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Remember: One has to EARN respect. I won't do so because it is expected. I won't be a sheep just to conform to a childish notion of nationalism.

  9. Nope.

    The White House belongs to the People, and the President is a Public Servant who works for us.  No one deserves to be treated as a demi-god and I feel it is our duty to always question those who we choose to allow the privilidge of representing the US.

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