
Will you show me your turtle if I show you mine?

by  |  earlier

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I just put my two terrapins (that I rescued from someone who didn't know how to keep them) in the new tank I have been setting up for them.

I am really happy for them to have everything they need at last!

I want to show you them, but would love to see your terrapins/turtles too!


Thank you to anyone who shares thier pics




  1. Ohh they're so cute =]

    I don't have any turtles, sorry. I love them, though.

  2. I do have lots of picture of my 3 baby red ear sliders but I dunno how to put it in a website. I will love to but I don't have a website. Actually I do but i 4got the password and I didn't use it 4 a long time. Sorry...

    I like your turtle...COOOL AND AWESOME!!!

    can u please help answer my question??


  3. Awww! That's cute! I don't have any turtles, but if I did, I would be happy to show them to you.

  4. Good job on the aquarium.

  5. Awww. in your picture do you have a basking lamp + a uvb lamp over the basking dock? it seems pretty dark in the tank, so just saying.... need to get that....

  6. i had a tutle but i had to let it go

  7. awww hes cute! heres my turtle!

  8. nice red ear sliders

  9. Kuddos for the rescue, and your YBSs look content.  Nice tank arrangement.  Their head seems good proportion at the moment for the pebbles on the floor of the tank, but I'd keep an eye on them as they grow.  Impaction is painful, and requires expensive surgery.  As you most likely already know, turtles will attempt to eat anything they can bite or fit in their mouth.

    Enjoy your news babies.

    Oh, sorry on the photo, I can't share one... my system crashed and I lost everything in the middle of backing up.  Lost all mine.:(  Will attempt to get some new ones on here though, if they ever get this thing working properly again.  lol

  10. my cousin has a turtle....

    this may not interest you (*yawn*)

    but i do love turtles too.

    srry, i just tried to send a pic from my phone to my computer just now, but it wont work **bummer**.

    SO SORRY...

    take care of the turtles...

  11. not a turtle, but a tort!

  12. Aww Turtles are too cool! I wish i had one like my science teacher =[

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