
Will you still have buy a converter if you already have digital cable?

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Will you still have buy a converter if you already have digital cable?




  1. doesn't your digital cable that you have already have a cable box connected to your tv? if so, that is a converter box.

    if you just have a cable going straight into your tv from the wall then its not digital and yes you will need a converter box.

  2. NO. You only need a converter if you have an antenna and have an analog TV.

    Cable and satellite TV subscribers with analog TVs hooked up to their cable or satellite service should not be affected by the February 17, 2009 cut-off date for full-power analog broadcasting.

  3. NO, even if you have analog cable

  4. Nope, If you have digital or satelite your good.But in case you decide to cancel you cable or satelite, you will have to go out and buy one to watch regular T.V

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