
Will you still have to pay child support if you give up parental right?

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My boyfriend had a son with his ex,when the baby was around 3mths old she left with him.He has prob been around his son around 10-15 times maybe & hes now 3yrs old.Last year she filled for child support,he was goin to pay but with the exception that hed get visitation every other weekend & every other holiday & they both had lawyers & she dropped the petition when she found out hed be getting visitation,he hasnt seen the son or heard from her since last aug. well last week we got some papers from the child support service place saying he owed $8000 in back child support & was ordered to pay $433 a month plus $88 for the back support & they are goin to be taking it out of his paycheck each week.They have never been to court & has never been told to pay,if he gives up his parental rights would he still have to pay child support when he never even gets to see the child?by the way we live in GA.If he has to pay he wants to see his son but he he cant visit then he doesnt want to have to pay




  1. she has to agree to him giving up his childs rights....he cant just do it by himself.

    and honestly.....if he REALLY wanted to be in his childs life, he could be....HE could go to court HIMSELF with a LAWYER and demand to see HIS SON, seems to me like he only cared when she wanted him to pay up.

    EDIT- like i said lady....if he REALLY wanted to see his son he woulg get a lawyer and fight for him, he has every right to see his son. he got a lawyer when she tried to get money outta him.....but isnt to see his son that he says he wants to?

  2. That decision is made by the judge based upon what is best for the child or children not on the preference of the either parent or any other persons. Generally a full removal of his rights is only granted to allow a child/children to be eligible for adoption. Judges have the power to allow the requesting parent to be relieved of financial obligations if the situation warrants. They also have the power to order other financial arrangements such as the parent having to establish an educational fund or trust in which a specified amount of money must be deposited within a specified time period. Or order the parent to pay a lump sum based on the future needs of the child, or continue medical coverage, and so forth.

  3. I have a friend in a similar situation, only she has two kids with a man who wants to give up his rights.  In the state of Kansas, she has to be remarried to a man who wants to adopt the children in order for him to give up his rights.  This is so that if she quits her job and decides to be on welfare, SOMEONE will be liable for the child support.  In Kansas, if a woman gets cash assistance from the state social services, they go after the father of any children receiving the benefits.  So... although she may have dropped the petition, she is not/has not received child support, which means maybe has used social services and the state wants their money back.  Even if he signs his rights over today, he is still liable for the child support that has accrued to date.  Sorry, but he owes the money.  I would advise him to get a lawyer and see his kid if he feels he would get his monies worth that way.

  4. How did they order child support when she dropped the petition and he hasn't been back to court over it?  The only way I could see this happening is if they deemed that he wouldn't show up for court and ruled without him.  

    He can give up his rights but I think he should get a lawyer.  I don't think that him giving up his rights will stop the child support.  

    He needs to take this back to court and have it reevaluated.  It sounds like they didn't give him the opportunity to appear in court.  

    Get a lawyer and see what you have to do.  It sounds like a load of c**p in my opinion.

  5. If he gives up his rights and she agrees to him severing his rights (I am pretty sure in any state it has to be mutual, not just some dead beat trying to please the current gal pal by getting out of child support money she feels she's entitled to and not the child) he will not be held accountable for support from the day of the severing but can still be held accountable for the arrears. So, even if he signs off today he will still owe the $8000. So sorry you are out that money because he is now being held accountable for helping create a child.

    Edit: Doesn't see why he has to pay for a child he never sees. Look tootsie, if he wanted to he would find away, he would take it to court, get visitation and be a man and help support his child. Even if he can't see the child he should feel some desire to make sure he is well taken care of and not be crying about paying a dime. Sounds to me like you got w/a dead beat, you were enjoying the ride of him not taking care of the baby and are now bent that he has to. Poor, poor you. Did you ever think there may be a reason she doesn't want him near the child? Hasn't he proven to some extent to you that he is a shitake dad? Sorry again that your gravy train is drying up but a child needs come before a grown woman's.

  6. Another dead beat dad and his blind loser girlfriend.

    He will just do whatever wrong he did to her too you.

  7. some things dont make sense.... she would have to take him to court to get him made to pay child support...if he didnt go....then thats on him, or maybe he is lying to you.

    you have to support your child even if you dont want to see them, again, he has to go to court if they can not work it out on their own, for him to get visitation. He has to prove he is fit to be a parent, if he is seen unfit, they will give him instructions to follow, before he can see his child

  8. Being bitter and sounding bitter is how these other comments view the world through their lens. Some of those response are redundant, First of all, You can't all of a sudden play dad when he wasn't allowed to see his child only 10 or 15 times. This means that he would be frustrated and probably said a few things he didn't mean(who wouldn't have), so if he's been paying support, he never stop playing dad. Secondly, you can receive payment for child support without going to court( learn your facts) everything don't have to be about a lie, she knows her man, and trust me women can normally tell when men are lying because they are better listeners. He can get his rights, they have lawyer who specialize in these type of things. This is going to cost you between $500 to $700 dollars to get this started. just get on the computer and complete a search on Farther Rights Attorney's in GA. I did this same procedure in Chicago, word of advice DON'T PUT THIS OFF, YOUR CHILD LIFE IS AT STEAK! which is bigger than anything else.(no matter what don't give up on your child's life)

    P.S. They can take money from you, by not going to court if she is on Public Aid(learn your facts) kudos to the woman that stands by her man. We need more like you.

  9. If he wants to all of a sudden play dad, then he needs to get a lawyer. He can't get out of the support owed for his child. If he signs over his rights then yes that would stop it, but I'm sure he can't just say "I don't want to pay for my kid, so I'll just sign and give away my rights". I think it's more complicated than that. He doesn't sound to worried about it.

  10. Why are you with such a guy ?

    """"he just doesnt see the point in paying child support on a child that he doesnt even know and doesnt even get to see.and the reason he doesnt know him""""  She didn't steal sperm from him, remember, he has to pay of course.

  11. He can't just give up his rights unless there is another man (like her husband) that is willing to adopt the child.  He is still responsible for childsupport.  All he has to do is get a lawyer who can file the visitation papers.  He shouldn't have dropped it anyways because when a man says he will pay support only if he gets to see the child that is like saying if i pay i want to see him but if you don't make me pay i don't care if i see him and that is just wrong.  He should want to see his child no matter what.  He is just going to have to get a lawyer and do what the lawyer says to do.

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