
Will you still vote McCain and Palin?

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Just wanted to see if the news of her daughters pregnancy will change any votes.Personally I would vote McCain Palin today given the chance,and find it sad that people would so cruelly attack someones children like they have been on here.I truly hope McCain keeps Palin as his VP choice.She is a true reformer with morals,just because her daughter got pregnant does not change my opinion of her-how about you?




  1. I will not, the repoublican party sucks

  2. Didn't have a plan to vote for them to begin with.  P.S. there is no way she could have hid this news. She had to talk about it. Her timing is amazing though. A holiday when have the country is not working (including the media) and on the day a Hurricane is making landfall.  

  3. Of course I'm voting for Sarah Palin not her daughter

  4. The Grand Old Party is just that, OLD.  The problem with today's GOP isn't the packaging; it's the product.

  5. Never had the intention to do so.

  6. The drive-by liberal media is trying to make something out of nothing. McCain was fully aware of these issues when he decided to choose her as his running mate.  It doesn't change my vote either, and it won't change any significant number.

    He doesn't care, I don't care; and the American public doesn't really care either. I believe the public is more intelligent than the radical left give them credit for. The media has run out of cannon balls so they've loaded up with bull ****. Typical low-brow politics. The only people buying this c**p are political bottom-feeders; who made up their minds a long time ago and just want the dirt for their own twisted pleasure.

    Even the democratic candidate is ashamed of what these morons are slinging:

    "Obama condemned campaign rumors involving the children of candidates. Speaking Monday to reporters in Michigan, he said, 'I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits.'"

    “ 'Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired.'"

    I do not support Obama for president, but at least he is intelligent; even if some of his supporters aren't.

  7. Absolutely I would never vote for obama

  8. Well the angle now is that she decided to keep the child proving that anti abortion is the way to go but the reality is that this is another screwup in the Rupublican camp.  Guaranteed McCain didn't know, cause he was looking for someone bit of skirt, young and flawless but he got a bit more than he bargained for

  9. Yes I will. The fact that her daughter is pregnant does not pertain to any Americans. It's not going to affect the way our country is run, regardless if she was pregnant or not. The only people it will affect will be her daughter, the father, and the baby. I don't understand why people are making a big deal out of this. How many teenagers get pregnant every year!? And just because she is the daughter of the Govenor of Alaska, and chosen V.P doesnt mean she's going to be some little angel, and not make mistakes in life. We all do. People need to stop bashing this poor girl, and let her live her life. It's the Palin's personal life, we shouldnt judge them based on one mistake her daughter made.

  10. I never was going to vote for John Mcbush. Obama/Biden 08

  11. Yep

  12. Never was going to, but I know some people who will probably going to change their votes.

    I never saw her as a person with morals so my opinion still stays the same. How is she a true reformer with MORALS when she can't even teach her own children to not **** around before marriage? This has nothing to do with her daughter. This has everything to do with the fact that Sarah Palin sells herself as a Bible beating, "morals" candidate but she can't even stand by those morals by disciplining her own children to live by those morals. I'm okay with pre-marital s*x and pregnancy. I'm not okay with people saying that it's wrong and then not acting on that. I'm not okay with hypocrites.


    "I would also like to say I believe how she is handling this is one thing that makes me respect Mrs.Palin more.She did not hide it..."

    That's because she can't hide it. She's and her family are going to be followed around by the press 24/7 and they're going to get a lot of TV time. You can't hide that massive belly and you can't hide the child once it's born. She only came out with this so that it doesn't come out by itself.

  13. it has not swayed me away from voting republican

  14. yes i will

  15. If you planned on voting for them before and don't want to because of the pregnancy that's not much of a good reason.

  16. no I was voting for Obama anyway. I find it funny though because her mom preaches abstinence until marriage... I wonder if that will change her mind

    See this is what happens when parents don't talk to their kids about s*x. It is called a pull out

    Condoms are good

    Yeah she told the truth after 5 months and after she was selected as a VP candidate


  17. i wasnt going to vote for them idc. but it does make her look bad as she and her family is supposed to have high morals. but hey at least the daughter is keeping the baby thats good. [her mom wouldnt make her abort it anyways]

  18. i was not going to anyway! what are the Right wing Conservatives going to do?

  19. Never was going to

  20. As a real Conservatives, I laugh at the two Liberals

  21. Yes I am

  22. You better believe it. I am all for America, and the American Family. Teenage pregancy is a fact of life, and it happens to alot of people. I don't judge anyone, that is Gods job. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  23. I would never have voted McCain/Palin to begin with.  

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