
Will you support Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall re factory farmed chickens sold by Tesco>?

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He is planning to challenge Tesco at their AGM re selling these cruelly raised birds. Other shareholders are prepared to support him.

He asks us, the public, to join him in boycotting Tesco chickens

I will and I do.

Please will you?




  1. Yes, but there are a lot of people out there of modest means who cannot afford the free range prices and have to rely on the standard birds to be able to manage their budgets and eat well.

  2. Already have done - Free range only!

  3. NO

    not everybody can afford free range/organic food

    We are not all TV personalities.

  4. I buy only free range eggs and chicken myself, but I'm also a leader with the scouts and am not in control of the food bought for camp. At one camp recently they bought 45 Tesco Value eggs, 16 of these eggs had to be thrown away as there were signs of the chick developing, needless to say, no-one ate the eggs. This is disgusting and not the only time it's happened, when I told people they said they'd had to throw Tesco Value eggs away for the same reason. So I say go for it Hugh you have my support, but please challenge them over selling these eggs too.

  5. When he first started his campaign, back at the beginning of the year or more ago, I signed his petition not to buy factory eggs, & chicken. You are bit behind with this question. Do you not belong to his website???

  6. I never buy chicken unless it is free range.  We all need to be proactive about this.  I'll readily admit that free range is expensive but if everyone buys that the price will go down.  And yes, I can't always afford it so to be honest sometimes I just don't buy chicken at all!  Its a sacrifice worth doing.

  7. Everybody should try to buy

    free range if possible

    Intensively reared chicken is barbaric

    FREEDOM is kindness

    Intense    is        CRUEL.

  8. I always only buy free-range chicken, if everyone who can afford to do that did it, perhaps the prices could come down enough for everyone to do it, I find it hard to beleave that cruelty like this is still tolorated by anyone.

  9. At first I thought that Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall was an ordinary guy trying to make it in the organic market. But I have learned that he is far from being poor and the impression he gives therefore is false. Would some of the upper crust looking people still want to rub shoulders with him if he was from the sticks? Would any Tom d**k or Harry be given the facility this guy seems to have acquired? I suppose the answer is No. I don't particularly like Tesco's anyway or their chairman.

  10. Yes, the way those birds are raised is shameful and cruel.

    Agree organic fruit and veg not often worth the price, but no fruits or veg's are suffering!

    If people can't afford free range, buy something else, there are protein substitutes, proteins in pulses and cheap cuts of meat particularly from farm shops where you know an animal has been raised/killed humanely.  Free range eggs are affordable too.

    It does help a cause when someone well known puts his/her name to it, why not?

    Hope Tesco takes note, they make enough money.

  11. I do already boycott tesco chicken products and Icelands as they dont sell free range either

    go for it Hugh you have my support and many many others, anyone who doesnt know about the campaign can look on Hughs chicken out website

  12. A very nice idea I'm sure - but has anyone noticed the speed at which the price of free-range birds has EXPLODED everywhere - and despite the good intentions of all concerned, you aren't going to tell me that these supermarkets haven't got warehouses full of frozen birds just waiting to be unleashed at two for a fiver - and people will buy them simply because they're NOT going to pay £8 for a medium-sized bird like I did last week - and it really wasn't all that better anyway!  The idea is very good - but the reality, with everything going up all the time is rather different.

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