
Will you take a 50-50% risk for your life and 999 million dollars?

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  1. You've got my phone ringing! BUT, no amount of money is worth risking my life for. Unless the odds are close to or about 90% in my favor of winning, I won't take the chance.

  2. Maybe. I risk my life or at least my limbs when I go to work, scale a 12 foot ladder over concrete floors with no spotter because they are so cheap they will not hire enough people to do so....

    I get paid 8.00 an hour

    Honestly though, 999 million is not very fun if your dead and if I was lucky enough to make it out alive I would have to deal with Uncle Sam and all the other uncles, aunts, cousins and friends that would suddenly have great interest in my life now that a part of it ($$$$$$) could benifit them.

  3. i would....probably take the risk if it was sumthing stupid cuz im stupid so ya i come! (i wish)

  4. Well it all depends on what I was doing to risk.

    If it was something like win a games tourny, I'd do it.

  5. I would take the 50:50 chance of risking my life for 1bn. And then secretly behind the scenes, bribe God $500m to ensure I survived. He always likes getting a piece of the action.

  6. yes i would definatly do it if my life was sucky and i i had nothing else to do.

  7. well the biggest thing i would do is probably the most death defying stunt called The Deathtrap.  i will be lifted up in a bag and be brought 50 feet in the air and be dropped while in the little bodysack.  and live.  yeah a magic trick my friend.  but that would probably just plain suck since it would be 100% chance of living so.  i will walk through an entire place where many lions live and be on a survival trip and i will have to be on my own all areas around fenced.  so i will have to make myself a lance and use it to keep myself safe.  i will be there for 1 month.  in the fall of november.

  8. No, it is silly to risk your life for any amount of money on purpose.

  9. Only if I was going to die anyway in a few months anyway.  

    If I won I'd give the money to my friends and family!  And if I lost my life immediately... well now or a few months from now... what's the difference?  

    My friends and family would stand so much more to gain if I won the proposition.

  10. if it was somethign like swim through an ocean with sharks... sure.. i've done that was AWESOME!

  11. Sure... the payoff is worth the risk to me.  As long as it is something I am fairly good at that is... he he.

  12. It depends. In my current situation no. I have enough money that I can do whatever I want already. As such having an extra $999M isn't going to change anything.

    Now if I was poor or even middle income and had no way to get into the $10M+ range on my own then I would do it in a second.

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