
Will you tell me a short story that motivates people to deal with envy?

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  1. "Your wife is very beautiful," one man said to another.

    The other replied, "Look at my shoes---they look nice, don't they?  Yet you have no idea where they are pinching me right now."

  2. Once upon a time, a girl named "Jenny" was supposed to be valedictorian for her kindergarten graduation. She was smart, funny and kind. But, the evil satan baby "Elizabeth", who was the teachers pet, took away that chance when Jenny said one-little-word wrong. Jenny was devastated when her title as valedictorian was taken away all because of one little mistake and given to Elizabeth. For years, Jenny became angsty and enraged at Eliz. But, as Jenny grew up, she became happy with herself and got over it, because Elizabeth became a prostitute being pimped out on the streets and Jenny is going to college. :)

  3. In 1781 there was a man named Antonio Salieri, the competent court composer to Emperor Joseph II. When Mozart arrived at court, Salieri was horrified to discover that the godlike musical gifts he desired for himself had been bestowed on a bawdy, impish jokester. Mad with envy, Salieri plotted to destroy Mozart by any means. Perhaps, even murder. Mozart and Mozart's music were all Salieri ever thought about. His jealousy haunted him for the rest of his life, and he was even led to declare enmity with God because of his bitterness. Eventually Mozart grew ill and died, but Salieri's insane envy for Mozart's talent never dimmed. When he was a decrepit old man, he realized how jealousy had turned him into a monster, and he attempted to kill himself by slitting his throat. He was taken to a hospital and died as an insane, lonely man who could not let go of the hatred of his past.

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