
Will you tell me a story, please?

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I'm deathly bored, my friends. Perhaps one of you kind people could tell me a story? It doesn't need to be deep, or make sense, or any of that good stuff, just be a story (preferably interesting).




  1. I heard this at  a function the other night. A cat goes to heaven and God asks if he's happy and if there's anything he'd like. He says "Oh maybe a nice warm bed and yummy food that's all"

    In the meantime a group of mice arrive in heaven a and God asks them if there's anything they'd like. They reply that on earth they were always running from something and now it would be easier to get around if they had rollerskates. God gives them all little rollerskates.

    Later , God asks the cat how he's doing and he replies"Oh wonderful, I especially liked the meals on wheels that came earlier" Ha Ha

  2. I wrote this little dialogue this spring.  Hope you find it interesting!:

    Seven year old girl stands by the Bay.  She hops a little in excitement and turns to look at seven year old boy.  Seven year old boy looks out onto the water.

    “When we go to my house,” says seven year old girl. “We’ll play our secret game.”

    Seven year old boy sighs contentedly.

    “And after that we’ll have cocoa puffs and watch TV and play on the computer!”

    “Yeah!” says seven year old boy.

    “Did you tell anyone about our secret game?” asks seven year old girl.

    “Almost nobody,” says seven year old boy.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœOnly Rochelle at school.”

    “I didn’t want you to tell anybody,” says seven year old girl.  

    “Sorry,” says seven-year old boy.

    “Do you like Rochelle?” asks seven-year old girl.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœAs much as me, I mean.”

    Seven-year old boy considers this carefully. “No,” he finally says.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI like you best.  I’ve decided I’m going to marry you.”

    “Seven year old girl approves of the plan.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI’ve decided that a thousand years ago,” she says.

    Seven year old boy smiles.  Then he turns back to the water.

    “Hey, look, swans!  Do you see them?”

    “Yeah, I see them,” says seven year old girl.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœUsually there’s hundreds.  Today there’s only two.”

    “The others flew away,” suggests seven year old boy.

    “Or maybe they’re invisible!” says seven year old girl and begins to giggle.

    Seven year old boy laughs.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœMaybe,” he says.

  3. Have you ever played the game called MadLibs?

    It is a game that is actually a story outline that is non-sensical.  It is a game where you have a basic storyline like The Three Bears and you have to fill in the nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.  I think there are a number of free websites (look in your web browser).  There are no real right or wrong words to use, you only have to fill in the nouns, verbs and things it asks for and no one cares what words you use to fill in the blanks with.  It's a riot!

    Or else you could think of a subject and write your own story by creating characters and having them go on their own journey.

  4. Banana. A yellow fruit. Also, a pudding. A delicious pudding.


    I ran into an old girl  friend the other day

    than I backed up

    and ran into her again.

    I miss her sometimes.

  6. i just answered this question and this kid was asking what the theme was in this short story he put in. well the theme was to to your own work because it will make you strong and the result will be better. it was really clear too, at the end it actually said the theme so i told him to do his own homework cause thats the theme, it was pretty funny

  7. Once apon a time, there was me. I am addicted to Yahoo Answers. I found your question and am now trying to come up with an original story... I am all out of creativity... sorry.  

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