
Will you tell me about your culture?

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I have to do an Anthropological Fieldwork assignment where my focus is on the social organization of another culture. (Social Organization – gender differences, hierarchical differences, kinship, marriage patterns). It would be great for someone other than an American to elaborate on the social organization of your culture. However if you are knowledgeable of other cultures you can speak about them as well.




  1. I belong to a very rich Indian Culture.

    The Very crux of our culture is "Unity in Diversity"

    There are so many cultures merged togather and blended perfectly to make up this great Indian Culture.

    We welcome all the other cultures and civilizations that come to us, and give them so much love that the become a part of us, after which it would be difficult to seperate them from our culture.

    We have so much variety and diversity within ourselfs, still we remain togather bcoz of strong belief - "Entire world is ur family and all of us have god as a common parent"

    Our culture is one of the oldest culture in the world civilization.

    Still it is enriched with new cultures every now and then making it the most amzing one in this world.

    Oh! it would be like "Big Talk from Small Mouth" - if i were to describe my culture in few lines.

    But i can surely say that we Indians Carry our culture in our Hearts. We believe in Winning Hearts rather than winning countries...

    For more information u can search for Indian Culture on the Net.



  2. My husband is first generation American and his family came from Portugal in the early seventies.  I will admit that I have had  a hard time with it because I have a different frame of reference.  Gender roles are strictly defined,  the elderly are revered, the Roman Catholic church is greatly revered.  Whenever we come to town, no matter how far we drive to get there, we are expected to get back in the car and go to everyone's house for a visit.  His relatives consider it an honor to entertain a guest in their homes and are greatly offended if we do not visit them.  There is definitely an old world work ethic and that is one of the reasons I married him.  Most of the family is in the States and Canada.  Holidays and milestones are extremely important and respected.  Most of his cousins have married non-Portuguese people and we have been welcomed into the family fold.  As a rather direct American female, it took a while to be accepted into the fold where such importance is placed on gender differences.  But once I became a mother my mother-in-law recognized more that we had in common than our differences.  Hard work and family time are prized.  Men don't talk about their feeling very much and women don't tend to push issues.  I must say that they work very hard to maintain their Portuguese identity but do not shrink from trying new things in their adopted culture.  My husband has not taught our children Portuguese but his sister's children are being taught by their grandmother.  Military service is mandatory in Portugtal and a lot of weddings are postponed until the male has completed his service.  It has been a battle to get my in-laws to accept that my husband was not going to get out of the Army and move back to their town.  They just can't get their head around the fact that someone would choose military service.  But they accept it, and they accept me.  They would never tell me because they do not talk about their feelings, but I know they think the world of me, think that their son made a good choice, and worship their grandchildren.  As an American I would love to receive this validation but I have made piece with the fact that they are not built that way.

  3. Well my culture is Australian.  Our main focus here in the Land Downunder is to swill beer and laze around on beaches and chuck the odd prawn on the barbie.  We have lots of tres interesting sayings like Yanks - "Septic Tanks";  Have a Good Weekend "Avagoodweegend"; Not very bright: " A Roo Short in the Back Paddock ";  Lots of scary snakes and spiders (all go well on the barbie);  seem to get on well with our races (but as in other countries there is racism here alright but we do our best to deny it);  we are usually good at laughing at ourselves and just love dragging down the tall poppies (people who get a bit above themselves);  we love our sport and this nations worships top sportspeople alive or dead - like better to be good at sport than an intellectual like me.  Re social organization well it is important to organize the barrel at the BBQ.  Re gender differences - well we do have male and female and yep they are different but no one lords it over the other.....Usually?????

  4. It's in a Petrie-Dish in my lab, and the mold is growing rapidly!!!

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